Export information from txp file

Hi I’m using Toad Data Modeler and I have to export all the Model tables and columns information to a table in the DB

generate a list of INSERT INTO statements based on the .txp file, like:

insert into FIELDS (table, field, description) values (

, ,<description of the field, from txp file, correspond to thefield>)

something like this :slight_smile:

and I have to do this for all the columns of my model

I use Delphi 2007 but I can use XQuery for this too.

Sorry for my bad English, I’m Brazilian


Hello Gustavo,

Please find attached a script that will do what you want.
Please run the script in Scripting Window (Tools menu, Expert mode must be enabled: Settings | Options | General | Expert Mode).

Take notice of line 6 - for which model you want to run the script, and line 3 - path to file where INSERT TO commands will be generated. Please change it at your convenience.

If you have more questions, please write us back. Thanks.


Vladka + Mario

Message was edited by: vladka - edited attachment
InsertInto02.js (2 KB)