Feature Request - Uncheck Columns With Non-Matching Data in Selected Rows

I’m doing some research right now on a table that has tons of columns. What would be super helpful right now is an option to uncheck all the columns that has non-matching data, because I’m trying to figure out what these rows have in common with each other, not what is different.

Though I’m sure you won’t get this added in time to help with this particular project, I can see it being useful in the future. :slight_smile:

May we get this added the next time you are able to add it?



Phyllis Helton

Data Magician
Digital Strategies, Cru | Data Sciences & Analytics
Office :phone: 407-515-4452


Hey Phyllis,

From the main menu, go to Database -> Compare -> Data Duplicates.

You can specify columns to look in for duplicate values

Does that help you?


Not really because I'm not sure which columns have data that is the same. I basically have a set of records that I know have something in common, but I'm not sure what that is yet. :slight_smile:

On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 11:20 AM, John Dorlon bounce-jdorlon@toadworld.com wrote:

RE: Feature Request - Uncheck Columns With Non-Matching Data in Selected Rows

Reply by John Dorlon
Hey Phyllis,

From the main menu, go to Database -> Compare -> Data Duplicates.

You can specify columns to look in for duplicate values

Does that help you?


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Phyllis Helton

Data Magician
Digital Strategies, Cru | Data Sciences & Analytics
Office :phone: 407-515-4452


Hm - It takes a bit of clicking, but you can get what you are after like this:

Select whatever rows you are interested in.

Click the show/hide column dropdown thing

Click “uncheck columns with matching data in selected rows” (bear with me)

Hold down CTRL and select all of the columns that are still checked (might be faster to select all, then unselect those that are unchecked)

Rt-click, uncheck all.

Rt-click, check selected.

Oops, wait, I said that wrong. But I think you know what I mean. :slight_smile:

That will work. Thanks John! I guess I've never played with the "Selected" options on that dialog. :slight_smile:

On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 12:22 PM, John Dorlon bounce-jdorlon@toadworld.com wrote:

RE: Feature Request - Uncheck Columns With Non-Matching Data in Selected Rows

Reply by John Dorlon
Oops, wait, I said that wrong. But I think you know what I mean. :slight_smile:

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Phyllis Helton

Data Magician
Digital Strategies, Cru | Data Sciences & Analytics
Office :phone: 407-515-4452
