I’ve been a user of the TOAD Oracle Freeware for a few years and I’ve recently taken on the new upgrade to version
I’ve just gone to use a feature I’ve used many times before but it seems to be missing. The feature is to export rows from a datagrid into the form of INSERT statements. I use this a lot to insert a row similar to one already in a table, by exporting an insert statement to the clipboard and modifying it. But in the new version, the only export formats I get are “Delimited Text” and “HTML Table”. Anyone know what happened to the format for Insert Statements in the new FREEWARE?
Thanks for any guidance.
Hi Glenn,
Yeah looks like the export as INSERT STATEMENTS is only available in
Toad 10 commercial.
Morning Glenn,
formats I get are "Delimited Text" and "HTML Table". Anyone
know what happened to the format for Insert Statements in
the new FREEWARE?
I'm not a FreeToad user, but this might explain the differences:
or better:
The latter does state that in the free version "Import/export data from
data grid into/from Excel files and other formats" is "restricted" - so
maybe the options you see are the only ones?
Norm. [TeamT]
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Morning Glenn,
formats I get are "Delimited Text" and "HTML Table". Anyone
know what happened to the format for Insert Statements in
the new FREEWARE?
I'm not a FreeToad user, but this might explain the differences:
or better:
The latter does state that in the free version "Import/export data from
data grid into/from Excel files and other formats" is "restricted" - so
maybe the options you see are the only ones?
Norm. [TeamT]
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Thanks for the lead, Norm. Perhaps the ability to export insert statements is now part of the restrictions referred to in the matrices, but I’m surprised that something that I find so important would suddenly be removed from the freeware.
If that’s the case, I wonder how the people at Quest judge what should be included in the freeware and what shouldn’t. Basically losing this ability means that the freeware will no longer suffice for me, but I want to be sure before making the change.
Hi Glenn,
Thanks for the lead, Norm. Perhaps the ability to export
insert statements is now part of the restrictions referred
to in the matrices, but I'm surprised that something that I
find so important would suddenly be removed from the freeware.
Well, I'm not sure who makes the distinctions as to what is in and what
is out. I believe a lot of new stuff has been added in for this release,
I suppose something had to go. I don't think the development guys have
any say in the matter - but I could be wrong.
If that's the case, I wonder how the people at Quest judge
what should be included in the freeware and what shouldn't.
Marketing perhaps?
Basically losing this ability means that the freeware will
no longer suffice for me, but I want to be sure before
making the change.
Just to be sure of what you are doing:
- run a query
- right click the grid
- Select an option from the 'export format' drop down at the top.
I see lots of options, I suspect you no longer see "insert statements"?
It could be that there is another manner of doing what you need to do,
but I'm sure one of the developers will let you know when the USA comes
Norm. [TeamT]
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Just to be sure of what you are doing:
- run a query
- right click the grid
- Select an option from the'export format' drop down at the top.
I see lots of options, I suspect you no longer see "insert statements"?
Yep that's it. When I do this there are only 2 options for Export Format: Delimited Text and HTML Table.
So it would appear that the latest freeware is rather severe on these options. I wonder if there is any way at all to get an INSERT statement out of this version.
Thanks again,
if i understand …you want to create a INSERT statement from DataGrid
results…perhaps you might want to implement SELECT FOR UPDATE instead?
Martin Gainty
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Hi Glenn,
So it would appear that the latest freeware is rather severe
on these options. I wonder if there is any way at all to get
an INSERT statement out of this version.
Best we hang on for a developer I think in that case. They should know
for sure.
Norm. [TeamT]
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Hi Hollis,
Do you have any more insight into this that you can share? I’m a little perplexed as to why this feature is suddenly gone.
While you’re waiting on an official answer on the INSERTs…there is
another Toad Freeware that I believe supports this
I don’t have an oracle client on my home pc, but it did let me build an
INSERT script for another RDBMS that I was connected to…
The feature matrix we used to determine what to keep restricted for the Freeware
update shows under the “Data Export Options” that INSERT statements were not
supported in the prior (8.5) Freeware release. So they were kept out of the
update as well. Maybe there was some confusion there, or a mistake was made.
We’ll go back and check again, and if a mistake was made we’ll correct it for
the next Freeware update.
We didn’t intend to restrict anything that was available before.
The feature matrix we used to determine what to keep restricted for the Freeware
update shows under the "Data Export Options" that INSERT statements were not
supported in the prior (8.5) Freeware release. So they were kept out of the
update as well. Maybe there was some confusion there, or a mistake was made.
We'll go back and check again, and if a mistake was made we'll correct it for
the next Freeware update.
We didn't intend to restrict anything that was available before.
Thanks for the info. I'm reassured to know that there was no intention to take away an established feature.
I am absolutely certain that the ability to export INSERT statements from a datagrid has been part of the freeware version for at least a couple of years, because I use it frequently. Perhaps you could start up the previous release to verify it. I can't do that now because it has expired.
Any other freeware users out there who use this feature?
Hoping to hear good news, 
John mentioned offline it’s probably because it was available in > 1 areas, for
instance are you accessing it through grid > create insert statements?
anyway, thanks for bringing it up, we’ve added it to the stack of things to
correct for next release. we thought we got everything, but there’s a lot of
John mentioned offline it's probably because it was available in > 1 areas, for
instance are you accessing it through grid > create insert statements?
It was available from a datagrid via the Export button, and then choosing INSERT STATEMENTS as the format.
anyway, thanks for bringing it up, we've added it to the stack of things to
correct for next release. we thought we got everything, but there's a lot of
That's great, thanks for picking it up.
Is there any chance of rebuilding the current release to include missed features like this, so users like me can get it soon? It will be difficult to cope while waiting for the next official release window which I think is August, now that the freeware releases run for 3 months.
This is one user who would be very appreciative of getting it sorted out soon.
Hi Glenn-
sorry, but no. the Freeware and the Commercial release are built from the same
code base now as well as release schedule, QA process and everything. This
brings a level of stability and features to Freeware which never existed
before. There will also be multiple Freeware releases a year, whereas before
there was one every several years, at best.
include missed features like this
are you seeing anything else?
With Toad 9.7 how find out what process is using up the CPU and memory ?
When I execute a “top” command under the linux server I see a oracle process
consumes most of the CPU resources but I cannot it identify ?
Look at the linux process pid and spid and then open the toad session browser
and try to find the matching process
Into each Toad Menu where I can find the matching process ?
Hi Mark,
Fair enough, I understand that it would be difficult to disturb a release schedule.
As an alternative to get me out of the bind I'm in, could I get the previous freeware version reactivated to carry me through until the next official release? I still have the installer for it. Then at least I could continue using the feature that was missed in the current version.
Does that sound fair?
are you seeing anything else?
Nothing else as yet but I will let you know in future if I do.