I have a few Oracle clients installed on my desktop:
9208 - on the PATH
XE - not on the PATH
10205 - not on the PATH
11106 - not on the PATH.
My Toad is
My colleagues Toad is 9.5.
I can use any of the above to connect to a database, even if Toad says
it’s not valid (all non-valid homes are “not on the path” according to
the advice link.)
A colleague cannot use an Oracle Home unless it is on the PATH (Granted
he’s on Toad 9.5 GA).
Just wondering how Toad loads stuff from the non-path Oracle Homes that
I use!
(No rush, it’s not important, just me being curious.)
Norm. [TeamT]
Norman Dunbar
Contract Senior Oracle DBA
Capgemini Database Team (EA)
Internal : 7 28 2051
External : 0113 231 2051
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