How to convert or export Automation Script (.tas) to Toad for Oracle?

Hello All.

I have Toad for Data Analysts 3.1 at one of my servers.

There are several daily tasks that runs with Toad Automation Scripts.

We have installed Toad for Oracle 12 at new server instance and I need to export my scripts or convert them

to format which is supports Toad for Oracle, it is possible?

Many thanks for help.

Unfortunately, this is not possible.


Sad to hear this. Is there another Toad software which works with automation scripts (.tas)?

Many thanks for help.

Only those Toads have tas-based Automation functionality:

Toad Data Point

Toad for IBM DB2

Toad for MySql

Toad for SQL Server

Toad for Sybase


Why don’t’ you want to use Toad Data Point?

My goal is to minimize software usage on the server,

so using the one program to work with Automation and Database is the best option.

Also, I was very upset due absence of linux versions.

Thank you all for your attention and proposed solutions.

I am confused. If you want one tool, Toad Data Point can connect to everything and automate it. Why would you want to move to Toad for Oracle which is more limited? I would expect the other way around. Hence Debbie’s question above.

I am sorry for the misunderstanding.

I will use Toad Data Point for my needs.

Thanks all for your help.