How to delete existing search criteria in Schema Browser?

I would like to know how can I delete some past entries (over registry/internal file) I typed in Schema Browser search box? I type wrong criteria for specific object and now always shows up even I will never use it there. For example in Outlook email list you can press Delete key on specific entry.

Schema Browser - Search box entries


Hello Mr Smith,

To delete all filters for views (or whatever object type is currently selected):

  1. Right-click -> Options -> Clear History

To delete only some filters:

  1. Right-click -> Options -> Pin/unpin filters
  2. Pin the ones you want to keep
  3. Click OK to close that dialog
  4. Right-click -> Options -> Clear History.
  5. Make sure the "including pinned filters" box is unchecked
  6. OK

If you have an older version of Toad that doesn't have the pinning feature, you have to edit an XML file.

C:\Users\YOUR_WINDOWS_USER\AppData\Roaming\Quest Software\Toad for Oracle\TOAD_VERSION\User Files\SBFilterHist.xml

You can open it with an XML editor, format it, look for the search word you want to get rid of and just delete that line. For example, here is mine. I could delete the line with "Hello" to get rid of that filter.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <Filter Type="15" IsRegex="0" IsFavorite="0">*hello*</Filter>
  <Filter Type="15" IsRegex="0" IsFavorite="0">*</Filter>


Thanks John,
I didn't came on mind to click on Objects list to find that menu. I will know for next time for similar cases.
I like plenty of customization Toad offer to users. Great! :+1:

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