How to get the most out of this forum – Best practices for what information to include

The better a problem is described, the better the assistance tends to be.

In order to better assist with your issue at hand, please include the following information in your initial post:

  •      Product, Version, and relevant environment details.
  •      Include a screenshot of the problem
  •      Describe the problem fully. What result was expected?
  •      Can the issue be created on demand or is it intermittent?
  •      If the problem can be generated faithfully, what are the exact steps to recreate the problem?
  •      Any other pertinent information (see below)

Create Support Bundles

You can create a support bundle and send it to Dell Support or to the Toad Data Point community Web site (peer-to-peer support). The support bundle provides information (about your application and the database) that is used to help troubleshoot problems.

Select Help | Support Bundle. It may take time for Toad to generate the support bundle depending on your system configuration.
The file name of the generated support bundle is ToadSupportBundleToad Data

Create Support Bundle for a SQL Query Issue

If your issue is a SQL query or cross-connection query issue, it is helpful if additional log files are included in the support bundle. These log files are automatically included if you generate a support bundle immediately after executing the query in either the Editor or Query Builder.

Use the following procedure to ensure that the SQL log files are generated and included in the support bundle. These additional log files (proxy.log located in the and SQLAnalyze.log) are important to assist Support in troubleshooting the issue.

For issues related to SQL or cross-connection query optimization, use the following procedure as well. These logs are also helpful for optimization issues.

To create a support bundle for a SQL query or cross-connection query issue

In the Editor or Query Builder, reproduce the error or issue.

After reproducing the error, immediately select Help | Support Bundle to generate a support bundle.

Toad asks if you want to log the row count for each table used in the query. If you select Yes, Toad determines the size of each table used in the query. This adds additional time to the generation process, but also provides additional information about your issue.

When Toad is finished generating the support bundle, attach it.

Note: For best results, always send the entire support bundle.

*Note: Please refrain from including private data in your posts

Be as thorough as you can with the provided info. We will reply to you as quick as possible.

We are glad to assist you.

Latest Release Information:

This announcement includes information on our latest releases, links to our downloads and documentation and overview of new features. This way you can stay as informed as possible:

  •      What’s New Section (why they would want to pay attention to this new version)
  •      [](
  •      Link to Download & Documentation
  •      [](
  •      Link to Trial
  •      [](
  •      Overview of new feature(s) (with link to the release notes)

Top 5 Knowledge Base Articles:

On this post, you can find our top trending knowledge articles that other customers are inquiring about and popular solutions.

This month’s Top Knowledge Base Articles

  1. This month’s Top Knowledge Base ArticlesVideo - Making Effective Use of Data with Toad Data Point (195645)

  1. Common Oracle connection problems (7712)

  1. Error, “ORA-12170: TNS:Connect timeout occurred” when connecting to Oracle (105610)

  1. Error connecting to database after installing on Windows 64-Bit OS: “ORA-12154” (12495)

  1. “ERROR [08001] [IBM] SQL30081N A communication error has been detected.” when connecting to DB2 (47041)

Feel free to browse them. Remember to sign in to your account to view.