How to preserve my personal toolbar setup when creating a new connection?

Hello! I have configured the menu toolbars to my personal needs (I.e. removed most of them), then checked “Lock toolbars” (hence; not able to move them). Now, starting a new connection, the default menu toolbar setup is displayed. But I want my personal setup here too. How can I do this?

  • Toad for Oracle 12.7.1, windows, 64 bit

I’m going to assume you’re referring to the Editor toolbar. When you set it up the way you want it then open a new connection, a new Editor is open with the default layout? If so, just set up your Editor toolbar the way you want it then close it. This will save the layout (assuming you didn’t turn the option on not to do this), so the next Editor that is opened will show your custom toolbars. The last editor that is closed will be remembered

From: paul.jorstad []

Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2015 10:24 AM


Subject: [Toad for Oracle - Discussion Forum] How to preserve my personal toolbar setup when creating a new connection?

How to preserve my personal toolbar setup when creating a new connection?

Thread created by paul.jorstad

Hello! I have configured the menu toolbars to my personal needs (I.e. removed most of them), then checked “Lock toolbars” (hence; not able to move them). Now, starting a new connection, the default menu toolbar setup is displayed. But I want my personal setup here too. How can I do this?

  • Toad for Oracle 12.7.1, windows, 64 bit

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Yes, it worked :slight_smile: Thanks a lot for the tip!

(It was the Editor toolbar, yes).