How to stop Toad from convertgin single quote char to Ascii 63 ("?" char)

Compiling code that has a single quote char (') in a comment line (begins with '--') converts it to a question mark (?) . How to stop this?!

It worked OK for me.

Is it a regular single quote char or something copied/pasted from MS Word or something else?

Sometimes other apps have "smart" quotes that aren't really single quote chars. It sounds like the character set doesn't like your quote char. To fix, type in the quote rather than copy/paste, then recompile.

It doesn't happen for every quote. Maybe it's (like you say) from the copy/paste, which reminds me: Toad needs a spell checker (!): I have to copy to Word or Notepad++ to spell check then back to Toad.

In my opinion as a long time user, TOAD does not need a spell checker. Because much of what we type in would not pass spellcheck, our code will just be disfigured by a bunch of red squiggles.


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Not much comments in your code? :slight_smile:

TOAD is not the place to spellcheck code comments.


So where is the proper place to spell check code comments?
Couldn't Toad just spell check text in commented-out text. (i.e. code would not be "just be disfigured by a bunch of red squiggles.")

I do occassionally run across mispellings in code comments, but consider the audiance It is not users or managment or the generel public. The audeence is other programers includding, presumibly, your own future self. Perfect or even goood speling in comments is of no immportance as lomg as the meaning is understandeable to the audience. Spelling has to get prettty bad for it to make a text indecypherable. In comments, intelligibilty is all that is reqired.

Now, I made 18 deliberate misspellings in the above, but I would say that the meaning is understandable. That is all comments need considering the audience.

The catch is not worth the chase here. Spellcheck is not a trivial bit of functionality to code. Moreover, it adds a layer of complexity to the application and opens the door to bugs that have to be chased down and fixed. I would rather Quest devote their time to functionality that adds value for coding.



I find it ironic that we are talking about adding spellcheck to TOAD in a discussion thread where there is a misspelling in the title that presumably was not deliberate and even though the title field is spellchecked.

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