Beta In Schema Browser tablespaces, I highlight a tablespace on the LHS, then click the RHS refresh button (“Refresh the detail panel (right side of browser)” when hovered over). The text of highllghted tablespace details on the LHS gets blotted out. I’ve added Size, USed, % Used, Max Size, and % Used of Max in the LHS and the text of those columns disappears. Refreshing the LHS brings it back.
Disclaimer: Wishing I wasn’t watching tablespaces filling up on a Friday night…
For kicks, I tried different versions of the connected database, from 11.2 to 12.1 to 12.2, and they all worked the same. I'm currently on Win7 64bit, waiting for my Win10 laptop to be built. Here's the initial screen when I choose a random tablespace (from my EM13c repository DB, running on Oracle 12.2):