Login Window Delete Entry

I have many different databases that I log into for my job. Once in a while I need to clean some of the old ones up (i.e database has been decommissioned and is no longer accessible). On the login window I select the one I want to delete, press the delete button, confirm the deletion and it is deleted. When I do some another (random) part of the tree expands. It could cause confusion and someone could delete a wrong database login entry. I have only been using the beta version for the last 6 months or so. Have not tried this in the production release version of TfO.

Hi Andy,

Thanks for the report.

I see you are grouped by alias, then database, and it looks like you deleted the first entry in one of the groups. I tried to reproduce this with the latest beta but for me, the login window stayed within the same group after I deleted a record (assuming, of course, there was still another record in the group)

I fixed something similar like this for 16.2, but since you said you are using the beta, I guess you found something different.

Anyway, if you have any more info about how to reproduce it, please let me know.


Hi John,

I have multiple login IDs for many different databases. I have created aliases for each “group” of logins to help keep things organized.

Steps used:



Forgot to add, that cursor will stay in proper tree node level group, but it just expands out a tree node somewhere on the list. So, after you delete an item, scroll up/down to see if a node opened on the tree.


It will be fixed in next beta.


That’s awesome. Love the response time from you and your team on issues found/fixed.


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And we appreciate you taking the time to report bugs!

I never would have noticed this on my own. I don't group the login window.

Hi John,

Thank you for the fix.

Next note is of low priority. :blush:

I see that no additional tree node folders are opened in the latest beta (just downloaded this morning). However, I did notice that if I had multiple tree node folders open it close all tree nodes except for the one I am in.


ugh. Yes, I see that. It's really hard to get that grid to "sit still" while rows are being deleted.

I'll take another stab at it, but we may have to live with one situation or the other.


If I had to pick, leave it the way it currently is.


I can improve it, but we are on the verge of (or already) too late for 16.3.

I'll log this so we can at least fix it for 17.0.


I am not worried about it. Whenever you get to it.


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