This happened a while ago but it is still annoying. Copy, Cut and Paste are not options in data grid right click; these options were in the list some time ago.
703-508-4945 Cell
This happened a while ago but it is still annoying. Copy, Cut and Paste are not options in data grid right click; these options were in the list some time ago.
703-508-4945 Cell
When we standardized all of the grids in Toad 10, we wanted to keep the length of the popup list manageable. In previous versions, the grids were very inconsistent in their popup menus and some of them were quite long. We decided that the vast majority of people are comfortable with, and more likely to use CTRL+C, etc, and therefore these items were not worth the real estate in the popup menu. Maybe this isn’t true for you, but that was our decision process.
Some of the right click menus still contain Copy, Cut & Paste. The data grid does not have a long right click menu and is appropriate for Copy, Cut & Paste. Using C, X and V is not visible to those watching and requires changing hand position from mouse to keyboard. Can adding them back at least be an option?
Good Morning John,
Can we put Copy, Cut and Paste back on the data grids? I've got the work around, but it is poor for showing people.
Lawrence Wickliffe
Department of Labor
ETA/ OMAS/Office of Management and Administrative Services
OIST - Orchestrating Innovative Services & Technology
(202)693-3485 (Office)
(703)508-4945 (Cell)
Humans do not quit playing because
they grow old; they grow old because
they quit playing.
- Oliver Wendell Holmes.
Have you tried this as a workaround?
rt-click on main toolbar and choose “Customize”
Click on the “Commands” tab and choose “Edit”
Drag the Cut/Copy/Paste icons up into Toad’s main toolbar.
Now Cut/Copy/Paste icons are always available with a single click.
Thank you John! Only issue is there is no mark your reply as the solution link in the forum.
Lawrence Wickliffe
Department of Labor
ETA/ OMAS/Office of Management and Administrative Services
OIST - Orchestrating Innovative Services & Technology
(202)693-3485 (Office)
(703)508-4945 (Cell)
Humans do not quit playing because
they grow old; they grow old because
they quit playing.
- Oliver Wendell Holmes.
Fixed. Your post was flagged as a "Discussion" instead of a "Question." I set it as question and marked John's reply.
On 05/08/2015 11:25 AM, wickliffe.larry wrote:
Reply by wickliffe.larry
Thank you John! Only issue is there is no mark your reply as the solution link in the forum.
Lawrence Wickliffe
Department of Labor
ETA/ OMAS/Office of Management and Administrative Services
OIST - Orchestrating Innovative Services & Technology
(202)693-3485 (Office)
(703)508-4945 (Cell)
Humans do not quit playing because
they grow old; they grow old because
they quit playing.
- Oliver Wendell Holmes.
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