Need Auto scheduled script output in Excel format? Please help


I am new to this community, so this mightbe too basic but i am trying to get my autoscheduled query output in Excel. Currently when i autoschedule my script using execut script i am getting my out put in .txt format.

so all in all i am trying to auto schedule a small script on hourly basis and get the output in excel and i dont know how to do that. Please help...

Thanks for help in advance.

Hello Kumar,

What you need to do is create a simple Automation script in TDP with ‘Select to File’ activity as a main part of it. There you can select report file format. I’m attaching a simple script for your reference. This script uses Toad Sample Database as a source of data and saves result in c:\temp folder. If you don’t want to keep all the reports from all script invocations, please select empty suffix.

Is it what you’re asking for?


what i need is; in toad 11.5,

i want to put a sql query (using Toad) to execute on its own (auto execute) and get the query output in excel, what i am getting now is in .txt file format and i have tried alot but i dont see a way to get it in excel.

also i dont know what is TDP…thanks for your response

What product are you using? This forum is for Toad Data Point. Are you using Toad for Oracle?

If you are using Toad Data Point, please see this video as well as the sample automation script Igor sent you.


Yes, I'm using toad for oracle 11.5

On Oct 26, 2013 3:28 PM, "Debbie Peabody" wrote:

RE: Need Auto scheduled script output in Excel format? Please help

Reply by Debbie Peabody
What product are you using? This forum is for Toad Data Point. Are you using Toad for Oracle?

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I see. Use this forum.

Thanks, I will do that.

On Oct 26, 2013 4:29 PM, "Debbie Peabody" wrote:

RE: Need Auto scheduled script output in Excel format? Please help

Reply by Debbie Peabody
I see. Use this forum.

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