Morning israfel_e,
However if I double click on the grid row in schema browser
and manually update the field and commit then the Unicode
data is saved correctly.
I tried the following in Toad 10.6 GA:
CREATE TABLE norm(A nvarchar2(10));
INSERT INTO norm(A) VALUES ('â ê î ô û');
The select worked fine - all characters were accented, as above (unless Outlook has destroyed the accents of course!) but basically I copied and pasted from your original email.
Just out of interest, what are the following:
- The database character set;
- The definition of the column giving grief.
I'm assuming from the above that when you change data using the editor, the data are incorrect when selected back again but if you edit the data directly in the grid, they are correct when subsequently selected.
Can anyone suggest a reason why running a statement through
the TOAD sql editor might lose the Unicode characters on being run.
I suspect you have the results grid font set to one that cannot display Unicode. (Which assumes that the results are not displayed correctly at ALL times, regardless of how you edited the data. If this is not the case, scroll down ...)
View->Toad Options->Data Grids->Visual.
Click "Edit Styles..." button.
The style you currently use should be selected on the left side.
Click the "Edit..." button.
Select ContentEven, make sure Font is checked and click the '...' button. Check and set the font to the same as your editor window - mine is either "Courier New" or "Microsoft San's Serif" - both work with your example data. Click OK.
Repeat for ContentOdd, Header and Preview.
OK your way out and try the query again.
Now, assuming that the results grid does always show the accented characters regardless of how you edit them, then it would seem that the font you use in the editor is non-Unicode. So ...
View->Toad Options->Editor->Display.
Click the "Editor..." button.
Select a font - mine is, once again, Courier New. Click OK.
Repeat for the "Line #..." button - otherwise the line numbers don't look correct when in a different font. Feel free to adjust the colours though!
OK your way out again and try again.
If this still fails, then I admit to being stumped!
Norm. [TeamT]
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