Saved CONNECTION*.INI files not loaded (v13.1)


I’m trying to migrate my CONNECTION*.INI files from a v12.8 instance to a new PC with v13.1. I copied them to the C:\Users_myUser_\AppData\Roaming\Quest Software\Toad for Oracle\13.1\User Files\ folder and restarted toad, but I don’t see any of my saved connections listed when I open the new connection dialog.

Any hints greatly appreciated. Thanks!

  • k

You need to use the Copy user settings under Utilities to export and import from 12.8 to 13.1

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Thanks Debbie, I’ve clearly lost touch with latest Toad features. Your suggestion executed just fine but, sadly, after the successful import step and Toad restart the new connection has an empty grid. I can upload a screenshot, but it’s pretty uninteresting. I feel I’m close but still doing something stupid…?

Ugh - I was right about still doing something lame. Unchecking “Show selected home only” at the bottom of the new connection dialog did the trick. Thanks again!