Session Browser: user defined filteres - how to apply them ?

Hi there

I’m on 12.5.1 of TOAD

I able able to define a user defined filter ie






And I can press the test button - and it works fine.
How do I apply the filter from the sessionbrowser “filter button” ?
I want to be able to use all user defined filters - with the lovely layout of the session browser


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When you created your filter, you had to give it a name. Just choose that name in the “Filter:” dropdown on the Session Browser. It will apply the filter when you choose it.

But thats's jut the thing

In the dropdown there is only the 3 fixed filters.

See attached pictures of the dropdown - and of the other 13 filters.



Subject: RE: [Toad for Oracle - Discussion Forum] Session Browser: user defined filteres - how to apply them ?
Date: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 16:55:03 +0000

RE: Session Browser: user defined filteres - how to apply them ?

Reply by John Dorlon
When you created your filter, you had to give it a name. Just choose that name in the "Filter:" dropdown on the Session Browser. It will apply the filter when you choose it.

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I didn’t see any attachments, but will you send me your TOAD_SESSBROWFILTERS.Ini file? I think there is something wrong in it. You can send to

I have attached the pictures from instead :slight_smile:

Subject: RE: [Toad for Oracle - Discussion Forum] Session Browser: user defined filteres - how to apply them ?
Date: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 20:31:04 +0000

RE: Session Browser: user defined filteres - how to apply them ?

Reply by John Dorlon
I didn’t see any attachments, but will you send me your TOAD_SESSBROWFILTERS.Ini file? I think there is something wrong in it. You can send to

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Weird - after I posted my last message, the pictures showed up! You care clicking the wrong “filter” dropdown. Use the one on the main Session Browser toolbar, where it says “Filter” and the selected choice in your screenshot is

Thanks a million - I would never have found it … there are sooo many icons nowadays :wink: