Size Columns - Size to Data

Does “Size Columns/Size to Data” not work or am I doing something wrong?

Given a simple query, I right click on an element in the Data Grid, select Size Columns and Size to Data. Instead of “each column resizing to the maximum width of the data in the respective columns Toad seems to be holding to the Column Heading sizes.”

I’m running Toad V12 on Windows 7, 32 bit Oracle Client; the column is NUMBER(5), the column heading is 20 characters long and the data is 4 digits or fewer wide. Of course, it doesn’t matter which column I pick, the behavior is the same…retains width of column headings. (I understand all columns should be resized.)

Size to Headers seems to work as expected. The Size to Data appears to be including the row with the column heading as part of the data.

This has been bugging me for a long time, I just thought I’d write to see if there is something I’m missing. Is there a setting that controls the behavior of that function?



Go to Options, Data Grids, Visual. On the right, under “Column Sizing”, there is an option to allow columns narrower than header width. It sounds like that
option is unchecked for you.

From: charlie.moellinger []

Sent: Friday, July 05, 2013 9:43 AM


Subject: [Toad for Oracle - Discussion Forum] Size Columns - Size to Data

Size Columns - Size to Data

Thread created by charlie.moellinger

Does “Size Columns/Size to Data” not work or am I doing something wrong?

Given a simple query, I right click on an element in the Data Grid, select Size Columns and Size to Data. Instead of “each column resizing to the maximum width
of the data in the respective columns Toad seems to be holding to the Column Heading sizes.”

I’m running Toad V12 on Windows 7, 32 bit Oracle Client; the column is NUMBER(5), the column heading is 20 characters long and the data is 4 digits or fewer wide.
Of course, it doesn’t matter which column I pick, the behavior is the same…retains width of column headings. (I understand all columns should be resized.)

Size to Headers seems to work as expected. The Size to Data appears to be including the row with the column heading as part of the data.

This has been bugging me for a long time, I just thought I’d write to see if there is something I’m missing. Is there a setting that controls the behavior of
that function?



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