SQLNET & TNSNames Editor disabled

Good day to all, I have a TOAD for oracle 9.0 and ORACLE client installed and it is working properly, the SQLNET & TNSNames Editor are enabled. Then just this morning when i open the TOAD, a message pop out saying that there is no client installed. I then re installed the oracle client and selected the installation type to InstantClient (498KB), the installation was succesful. After opening TOAD i noticed that the SQLNET & TNSNames Editor are disabled. How do i enable it so i can use it. Thanks in advance guys…


You should place ORACLE_HOME in your environment-hpe you know a place to place that (My Computer right click, Properties|Advance System Settings|Advanced tab, Environment Variables button, under System Variables place (New or Edit previous value of :

ORACLE_HOME, what is variable

c:\oracle\product\10.2.0\clienthome_1 what is Value

Also Check If you have TNS_ADMIN variable defined anywhere … If exists remove it or place that path point to %ORACLE_HOME%\network\admin directory.

When finished, start cmd and type:


it should return your path to Oracle client that you have installed.

Then close Toad and restart - now it should show enabled buttons.

Other problems with registry problems is to complex to explain.

