Before I messed things up, the tabs on my Data Grid/Script Output/etc desktop panels were at the top of the panels, with the panels aligned to the bottom of the editor window. See the attached before picture.
However, I accidentally managed to undock the panels, and after redocking, the tabs are now at the bottom of the panel. See the attached after picture.
They continue to be at the bottom when I launch a new editor window, even in a new instance of Toad.
How can I get them to be at the top of the panels like they were before I messed it up, please?
ETA: This is in v10.0.0.41, but I've had it before in earlier versions (9.6 and 9.7 IIRC). Somehow I've always managed to sort it out but I'm not sure how, and nothing I try now is having any effect *{
ETA2: Ah, checking in 9.6, I can't replicate it. I can't check 9.7 as I no longer have a version to test against *{
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