To kill session in toad version 106

Dear friends,

I was using toad version 9 when i was working on oracle 10g. Now we have migrated to oracle 12c and toad version 9 was not getting connected .

We installed toad version 10.6 to get connected to oracle 12c.

Usually when there is a session block , we used to open session browser, open lock tab, see which sid is blocked, then go to session tab, the blocked sid will be highlighted. there right click to kill the session.

This option is not found in toad version 10.6 or i am not able to find it.

I don't want to use query to kill session.

kindly help me out in this

thanks a lot

here is a quick demo of locks in Toad 10.6. The top sqlplus session has issued an update on a row but not committed. The bottom sqlplus session has issued an update on the same row and is blocked and waiting for the first sqlplus session to commit or rollback.

On the right, you can see the locks in Toad 10.6