Sorry, I meant to say the describe window, not the schema browser…
Hi, I just upgraded from 10.6 to When I click the filter
icon, or select the drop down next to the icon and select ‘new filter’,
Toad flashes, then freezes. If I then hit the escape button, Toad
flashes and unfreezes. No filter window appears. I think this means
that the filter window is opening up behind the schema browser where I
can’t get to it. Is there anything I can do to bring it to the front?
Yeah I think you have the diagnosis right. I’m not sure why it’s
doing that though, it’s behaving properly for me.
It should be bringing the filter dialog up in the center of your screen, so if
you move the describe dialog off to one side or the other before you open the
filter dialog, you should be able to get to it.
If you send me your Toad.ini file, maybe I can repeat the problem and fix it.
You’re right. We are expecting them to be listed in user/all/dba_indexes,
but we aren’t finding them because they are not there.
They are present in sys.ind$, but the fact that there is no segment makes them
missing from sys.seg$, which is why we don’t see them in
user/all/dba_indexes. I’m not sure if Oracle would consider this a bug or
I suppose I can work around it by querying user/all/dba_objects where
object_type = ‘INDEX’, but that’s going to cause problems for
other users because sometimes depending on privileges, an index will be in
As a workaround, if you have Oracle 11g, you can use an invisible index instead.
As far as I can tell, the concept in Oracle is the same, and these do show up in
Hi John, I tried making my windows really small and moving them around…no
luck. But I finally did stumble on a solution…I have multiple monitors
(hardware folks changed a video card in my machine today) and when I changed a
different monitor to be primary, then the filter window started appearing on
that monitor instead of behind the describe window. Thanks. Wendy
On 10/4/2011 2:55 PM, John Dorlon wrote:
Hey Wendy.
Yeah I think you have the diagnosis right. I’m not sure why it’s
doing that though, it’s behaving properly for me.
It should be bringing the filter dialog up in the center of your screen, so
if you move the describe dialog off to one side or the other before you open
the filter dialog, you should be able to get to it.
If you send me your Toad.ini file, maybe I can repeat the problem and fix
Ah, I see. I am guessing that it was never behind the describe window, but in
some screen coordinates that no longer existed due to the monitor configuration
change. We have some logic in there to prevent that from happening when you go
from multiple monitors to single monitor, but not from one multi monitor
configuration to another.
I was having the same problem. Drove me crazy! I believe it first happened to me after changing my multiple display settings, but whatever the reason is…
THE SOLUTION: Press the filter button. Now you cant see it or do anything but press ESC right? Wrong! Hold down the windows key + Left or Windows Key + Right to move it from where ever the heck it was (nowhere ) to a now visible place! Sweet!
That’s my exact issue. I have dual monitors at work, but just bring my laptop home. When I get home, the filter window opens up on the “ghost” monitor.
I tried your fix, but nothing seems to happen. I’m using NT. Any thoughts?