I've a problem with toad (64 bit) on a Windows 10 laptop. Starting goes fine but when I try to login on a database. I get the following error:
After that I can't use it and have to kill it via the taskbar.
Any ideas?
I've a problem with toad (64 bit) on a Windows 10 laptop. Starting goes fine but when I try to login on a database. I get the following error:
After that I can't use it and have to kill it via the taskbar.
Any ideas?
it seems the issue started yesterday after applying a few Windows 10 updates:
Security Update for Microsoft ASP.NEt MVC 2 (KB 2993939)
I have windows 10 and it says that I am up to date, but don't have that one.
You could try resetting Toad's User Files so that it is like a new installation (old settings are backed up so you can recover them if needed later).
Steps to do that are here: Toad for Oracle not working after in place upgrade to Win 10
Let us know if that helps.
Hi John,
Thank you for your suggestion but it didn't help. Same issue again. I also did remove Toad altogether and reinstall it again but that didn't solve the issue.
I thought I was the only one who did have this problem but now there are at least 5 other people who have the same issue.
I'll install ASP.Net and see what happens. Will let you know.
I'm on Windows 10 version 2004.
I installed ASP.Net here:
Not sure what else to try. Open to suggestions.
Hi Ivan,
Ok, I uninstalled all versions of ASP.Net except MVC2. Then I re-ran the updates and got the updates shown above. KB4560366 isn't shown in this screen shot, but when I tried to install that one manually, the installer told me that it was already installed.
Have you tried running Toad as an administrator?
I ran Toad as administrator: same problem
According a colleague the issue could be cause by two firmware updates:
We all have a Microsoft Surface laptop. Maybe this information can be helpful.
I wish I had one to test with, but I don't.
If someone reading this has a Surface Laptop, please let us know if you have this update and if Toad is working correctly or not.
The issues was caused by Windows Security Exploit Protection policy change. Toad has been excluded from that policy and now it works fine.
The policy change was done the same day the windows update were installed and that's because everyone thought de windows update was the cause.
Thank you very much for the assistance and sorry for causing you so much troubles.
Oh, wow. Interesting. Can you post the details of the Exploit Protection settings?
This would be good information for others, and maybe there is something I can change in Toad that will prevent the conflict.
I’ve no clue about Windows security settings but this is what my colleguea did mention in our internal ticket:
Mandatory ASLR
Bottom-Up ASLR (address space layout randomization) it seems Toad can't cope with this setting.
If I understand it correctly Bottumup ASLR is been disabled. And according to my colleaguea the Windows updates did interact with this setting because the ASLR setting was set long before the windows update.
If you need more (precise) information please let me know and I’ll ask my colleague.
Thanks. I am able to reproduce the error after turning on the ASLR settings.
Okay. If you have a solution for the problem please let me know. We have now a workaround and Toad is working again but the ASLR settings is conform our policy.
I originally reproduced it on a VM where I am running an Oracle database and I have a few versions of Toad installed.
Then I tried updating a development machine so that I can attempt to debug it. I upgraded to Win 10 2004, with ASP.Net MVC2, fully patched....Exploit Protection...and....no error in Toad 13.3.
I'll keep trying. If I discover anything, I'll let you know.