Toad 17 Installer Disappears on Product Selection

I need to install Toad for oracle for work. I can connect to my SQL databases with other software.

I searched the forums but couldn't find anything related to this issue.

I'm using Windows 10 (64 bit) Enterprise behind an enterprise firewall.

I'm trying to install Toad 17 (64 bit) for Oracle.

Every time I run the installer, "Toad_for_Oracle_2023R2Patch1_x64_Full.exe", the installer will get to the "Product Selection" tab and then totally disappear. I didn't see any obvious errors in Event Viewer. I do not have permissions to my C:\Program Files directory.

Any ideas?



It's rare that I see the Toad for Oracle installer just up and disappear, but a few questions for ya...

  • Do you have access to the Oracle Client home folder? This is a requirement for Toad if you'll be connecting Toad to Oracle via the Oracle client. The fact that you don't have access to your C:\Program Files folder just might be a show-stopper here, depending on which install directory location you choose. Toad maintains other files in other places too on the C: drive, so not having read/write access to certain dir locations on the C:\ drive could spell install trouble, unless you get assigned privileges. I'd put my money that this is probably the cause of the issue.

If not, then a few other things come to mind...

  • Are you using 64-bit or 32-bit Oracle client?
    If you intend on using the Oracle client to connect to Oracle, then the Toad installer must match the bitness of the Oracle client... e.g. 64-bit Toad installer needed if you have 64-bit Oracle client, etc. Note that it's possible for some folks to have a 32-bit Oracle client on their 64-bit machine. So a 32-bit Toad installer will be needed in that case.

  • See the Release Notes or User Guide for other Requirements... both docs can be found on the Quest Support site here.

If none of the above help, you may wish to open a Support ticket.

Does the Product Selection page load to show products or does it disappear prior? Have you tried running the installer as Administrator?

Thank you for the prompt response. The window disappears before it shows any products.

I am beginning to think it is a permissions thing. I'm in a constrained enterprise environment where I don't have access to my C:\program files or C:\Program Files(x86).

Does this sound likely?


It very well could be a permissions issue. The product selection dialog will check to see which products are available for your license and also check to see which are installed. The installation check will be accessing the registry. Software installation often requires elevated privileges. Try running it as administrator or have someone there who can perform the installation as administrator run the installer on your machine. If you rt-click the installer and choose Run as Administrator you should be prompted for an admin account to login as if you lack the rights. Someone in your org or on your machine with the rights can login and complete it.

@Toad.User99 Did you find any solution for this issue?

I'm struggling with the same thing; even IT support running my machine as Administrator faced the same issue.

I am having the same issue, I am running the installer as "Administrator". Also BTW...I did install Oracle client successfully

Please help in this urgently...

If none of the suggestions above help, please open a support case.

@ajay.kumar - Run the installer from command line with these parameters -l ToadInstall.log and share the log file here.

I am having the same issue with Toad for SQLServer.
I ran the command that you mentioned to Ajay (my co worker) and it generated a log file.

This site is not letting me upload the log file. It says new users can't upload.

I figured out a way around this issue.

  1. Downloaded the MSI file
  2. Opened a command prompt as administrator
  3. Executed the MSI file from the command prompt.


I have elevated your trust level... I hope I chose the correct level! Please share the log here or email it directly to me at

Toad for Oracle and Toad for SQL Server share the same underlying installer project as do a few others. I suspect all "Toad for..." EXE installers will behave similarly.


Attached is the installer log for Toad for SQLServer
ToadInstall.log (24.1 KB)

Thanks for the log. I'll take a look.


@craig.wood3 - Comparing your log to my own I can see where the installer stops for you. There are a few lines of code following your final log message before the next log message is written and it all looks safe to me.

I've tried playing with Exploit Protection settings in Windows as well and used the most restrictive set of settings that still allows the installer to run and it's OK.

Do you guys use any software that may block an application from running or terminate it if it thinks there is a vulnerability? CrowdStrike or something along those lines? That installer you're running was produced with WiX Toolset v3.10. That version is susceptible to CVE-2024-29187. WiX released a security advisory that includes the patched versions that should be used. We upgraded to a patched version in July. I wonder if there's something on your machine detecting the version of WiX that is used and if it is blocking it.



Thank you for looking into this.

Since I was able to install using the command prompt in administrator mode, and I am unable to execute the install files (.exe and .msi) directly as administrator, I think it has something to do with the installer trying to execute something that needs administrator privileges.

The VA has our laptops locked down pretty hard so I’m guessing we have some kind of blocking software on our machines though I’m not aware of what it is.

I will check with our IT department to see if they will share what they are using to block vulnerable applications.

Sounds great, thanks.

When you speak with them ask if they have any logs that may indicate a block. The code between your last log entry and the expected next one does a few things that are very minor. One of the items it does though is invoke the WiX Burn engine to format the installation directory. In the project the install directory is specified like [ProgramFiles64Folder]Quest Software\Toad for SQL Server... and the Burn engine will decode the Program Files macro there to be the actual path to your Program Files folder, presumably C:\Program Files.

Earlier another user mentioned not having permissions to the Program Files folder. I assumed that meant Write permissions since the users group generally has Read & Execute access for normal operation. I will setup a user account and remove them from all access to the folder and see if I can reproduce that way.

I made a user account and restricted its access to Program Files. I cannot browse the folder in Windows Explorer, but the Toad installer doesn't have any problems showing the Product Selection page so this may not be the issue.