Toad crashed with AV, now won't allow recover documents

Toad v13.3.0.181

Note : I am not running 14.0.x due to too many issues and show stopper bugs.

I was using TOAD when suddenly it AV'd and would not respond to anything. On starting up Toad again, Recover Documents no longer works on startup or with the File menu item option, it gives "No files found to recover" after a long period of the screen cursor being busy (suggesting there are some). There are lots of ~eb*.tmp files in my User Files directory so it seems to suggest it is broken. Any way to fix this?

Hi Paul,

If you move all of those ~eb files (including ~EditorBackups.txt and ~EditorBackupsPrompted.txt) out of your user files folder, that will likely resolve this.

If you want to recover any, you can just look at those files with notepad to get the contents.

I've done some work for 14.1 that should speed up the recovery process significantly, so I think this is already fixed for 14.1, but if you can zip up all of those files and send them to me, I will check on that and fix if a bug still exists.

I can't make promises, but 14.1 is expected to be available around the end of March.
