recovery of code from editor

Hello gurus,

This is my first post in toad discussion forum.

I got some system error and toad application got closed…i was actually working on code in editor, which was not saved. so now everything is gone …Is there is any way i can recover the unsaved code of editor ??

Any help …is greatly appreciated. Thank you!!!

Assuming you’re on a recent version, and not the freeware…

File > Recover Documents

i m on version (commercial one)

When in click file> recover documents …it says no file to recover …i dont know why

i looking for the code which i was working on editor …it got shut by by some error …so i would like to get that editor information back …

any idea ???


Make sure your view > Options > editor > behavior ‘Backup editor
every X minutes’ option is enabled.

If it shows no files to recover, then toad wasn’t able to backup/save your

Was it a SQL statement or a pl/sql block/sql script?

if it was a statement and you had executed some version of it, it should also be
in your F8 SQL History

Look here:

C:\Documents and Settings\Application Data\Quest Software\Toad for
Oracle\9.7\User Files

For any files with a ~eb prefix. If anything was backed up, that’s what it
will be named. Editor backups are controlled by this option, which is on by
default, for every 3 minutes:

Look here:

C:\Documents and Settings\Application Data\Quest Software\Toad for
Oracle\9.7\User Files

For any files with a ~eb prefix. If anything was backed up, that’s what it
will be named. Editor backups are controlled by this option, which is on by
default, for every 3 minutes:

back up behavior was enabled for 3 min … andl it has data of the past …but not the the recent one …it was kind of strange…

Anyways…Thank you so much guys