Toad for DB2 Freeware edition - 32 bits version


Is there any 32 bits version available for Toad for DB2 Freeware edition 6.3?

Best regards.

You can download the Toad DB2 32-bit installer at:

Dear Concern,

I downloaded that exe but when i try to install it showed that, " You don’t have the privilege to perform the installation. Please login as administrator to install the product". I click the right button on the exe but not found any "run as administrator " option. Also informing that, i am login as administrator in my operating system Windows 7.

What should i do now. Plz suggest. Tnx

Hello Zaman,

Please try the MSI installer mentioned above.



When I am trying to install this .msi, I am getting an error like ‘You dont have privileges to install, please login as administrator to install the product.’ What should I do? Please help me

I am also getting the same error, when I am trying to install the .msi installer. What should I do? Please help me.

Hello anurag1212,

Here is workaround how to start the installation in Windows 7:

  • Click on Start button and in search field type “run”.
  • In the Run window type “cmd”
  • Go to location of the MSI file
  • Type the name of the file with the extension to the command line window and press enter.
    This will allow you to start the installation.

Hello, the download link above for the 32-bit version is not available anymore, could you please share updated link for 32-bit freeware?
Thank you

Not working, same issue

32 bit freeware download for Toad for IBM DB2 6.5 can be found here:


  • Nate Gaffaney, Quest Software

Thank you. Will try these.

Running into the same issue in WINDOWS 10. User is local admin… comes back with same issue not authorized.


Here is workaround how to start the installation in Windows 7:

  • Click on Start button and in search field type “run”.
  • In the Run window type “cmd”
  • Go to location of the MSI file
  • Type the name of the file with the extension to the command line window and press enter.
    This will allow you to start the installation.

I am local admin on my company pc. The only way of getting this installed (x86 and x64 version) was the following:

  • starting cmd as administrator
  • installing with this command: msiexec /a ToadforDB2_6.5.0.125.x86.msi
    But both versions crash after starting…


Did the installer produce any log file or error you see on screen?
