Toad for Oracle Freeware 12.7 Access violation when connecting to a Oracle 12C Database

I am having a problem with Toad for Oracle 12.7. Every time I try to connect to a Oracle 12c database I get an access violation error. I click through them and able to get into the database but the schema browser is greyed out and thus can’t be used. I close out the program and start it again and try to connect to a 11g database with no problems. If I go to another machine that still has 12.6 installed everything is fine connecting to a 12c or 11g database. The exact error I get reads as follows:

Access violation at address 0000000008B793F0 in module “Toad.exe”.

Read of address 0000000000000008.

If anyone has any idea what is going on I would greatly appreciate it for Dell will not help me.

Thank you in advance and hope you all are having a great week.

If it’s Oracle, then this bug has been identified and it will be fixed in a soon to be released patch.

Patch for oracle or for toad? Sorry unsure


Just to clarify, we don’t actually patch freeware. Once the new freeware is available (which will include this fix), you will need to uninstall your current freeware and re-install the new version.

From: dtoma []

Sent: Thursday, July 09, 2015 3:26 PM


Subject: RE: [Toad for Oracle - Discussion Forum] Toad for Oracle Freeware 12.7 Access violation when connecting to a Oracle 12C Database

RE: Toad for Oracle Freeware 12.7 Access violation when connecting to a Oracle 12C Database

Reply by dtoma

Patch for oracle or for toad? Sorry unsure

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I am seeing a very similar error with 32-bit Toad freeware, on an Oracle 11 instance using the 10g client.

The addresses are a little different for me than for the O/P (violation at address 072EA6C8, and read of address 00000004).