In Toad for Oracle ver 12 or above, where is the option in the schema browser to only show owners that own objects
Rt-Click on any schema dropdown in Toad. It’s in the “Users to Load” sub menu item. This will affect all schema dropdowns in Toad.
Thanks for the response.
That solved my issue.
From: John Dorlon []
Sent: Tuesday, May 19, 2015 9:47 AM
Subject: RE: [Toad for Oracle - Discussion Forum] Toad for Oracle ver 12 schema browser list of owners displayed issue
RE: Toad for Oracle ver 12 schema browser list of owners displayed issue
Reply by John Dorlon
Rt-Click on any schema dropdown in Toad. It’s in the “Users to Load” sub menu item. This will affect all schema dropdowns in Toad.
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