Morning Scheidr_109,
(why don't people use their names I wonder?)
How can I transport all of my TOAD file settings from my 10.
6 version to my 11.0 version on my new machine?
Start Toad 10.6 and go to view->Toad Options.
Select "general" on the left.
On the right, near the middle is an entry for "Application Data Directory".
That's the one you should copy.
I'm almost 100% certain thought that things like stored passwords won't work if you copy those to the new machine. I seem to (vaguely) remember that the encryption of the passwords is linked to the username and maybe the machine - but I'm not 100% sure.
I've certainly moved between versions of Toad, but always on the same (ancient!) desktop.
One other thing you can do is install Toad 11 on the existing box and have it migrate everything as part of the install/first run. Once done, and Toad has been executed at least once, fine the data file directory as above and save it somewhere safe and deinstall Toad 11.
Then install Toad 11 on the new desktop and copy the files over wherever the data files directory is configured on the new machine (which may not be the same as on the old one).
Remember not to have two copies of Toad 11 installed together on different machines, under the same license key, unless your licence allows it.
Norm. [TeamT]
Norman Dunbar
Contract Senior Oracle DBA
Capgemini Database Build Team
Internal : 7 28 2051
External : 0113 231 2051
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