I just updated to toad for oracle professional and tried to import my sql recall file. There doesn’t appear to be the sql recall function available. the help says it should be in the View|Sql Recall (F8). But the menu item is not there. Any plans on making it available?
Work was done to consolidate some SQL Recall features. As a result it may be necessary for you to add the menu item again if you don’t see it.
You have 2 options.
Restore default toolbar layout. Rt-click over the Toad toolbar and choose “Restore defaults.” This will destroy any toolbar customization you have done. If you have always used the default toolbar layout then choose this option.
Customize the toolbar to add SQL Recall back to the View menu or wherever you choose.
a) Rt-click over toolbar and choose Customize
b) On the Commands tab, select the View category
c) Drag the “SQL Recall” item from the right side there up to the toolbar where you would like it, the View menu is the default location
That should restore it for you.
Your SQL Recall menu item must’ve been hidden somehow. If you don’t mind losing toolbar/menu customizations (if you have any), go ahead and R-click on the main toolbar and select “restore defaults”
Hi Brad,
Could you explain when is one SQL statement saved in Recall list?
I just cannot see the logic of that.
Brad Michael here. What do you mean? After you execute it is added. This is for normal F9 execution, not execute as script. Execute statement using F9 and you should see it appear. If you do not see it check that your filter is not excluding it from showing. If the filter button in SQL Recall is red then there is a filter applied. Remove it and look for the statement.
Thank you. Tried option 2, dragged the ‘SQL Recall’ item to the toolbar and it still didn’t show in the ‘View’ menu and F8 didn’t bring it up. Had to ‘Restore defaults’ and redo all of my customization. ‘Thanks ToadL’
From: Michael Staszewski [mailto:bounce-mstaszew@toadworld.com]
Sent: Monday, November 28, 2016 10:14 AM
Subject: RE: [Toad for Oracle - Discussion Forum] where is the sql recall in toad
RE: where is the sql recall in toad
Reply by Michael Staszewski
Work was done to consolidate some SQL Recall features. As a result it may be necessary for you to add the menu item again if you don’t see it.
You have 2 options.
Restore default toolbar layout. Rt-click over the Toad toolbar and choose “Restore defaults.” This will destroy any toolbar customization you have done. If you have always used the default toolbar layout then choose this option.
Customize the toolbar to add SQL Recall back to the View menu or wherever you choose.
a) Rt-click over toolbar and choose Customize
b) On the Commands tab, select the View category
c) Drag the “SQL Recall” item from the right side there up to the toolbar where you would like it, the View menu is the default location
That should restore it for you.
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Open new connection
In Editor put
select 1 from dual;
Press F9
Open SQL recall (F8)-no entry.
Close the Toad
Restart it (same connection same user)
Call SQL Recall again
Statement is not there
You have the Saved tab active. You need to checkout the Recent tab. The Recent tab captures recently executed statements without you having to do anything. That list is cleaned automatically by Toad as it grows. If you want to save statements for long term use then you need to add them to the Saved SQL list.
Right-thank you.