300+ Connections, need to transfer Connection Details (incl Passwords) to a new user


I have 300+ Toad for Oracle Connections, need to transfer the Connection and Passwords to a new user. But when I export/import, all the passwords are gone.

Also tried to copy the connections.ini connectionpwds.ini file but no luck.

Please help!

Thanks, Marcus

Passwords are tied to user name, so you can’t transfer them from one user to another. Passwords will carry over fine if your user name does not change and you are just moving them over to a different machine. Sorry about that.

From: mexx hexx [mailto:bounce-spam_13412@toadworld.com]

Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2016 3:40 AM

To: toadoracle@toadworld.com

Subject: [Toad for Oracle - Discussion Forum] 300+ Connections, need to transfer Connection Details (incl Passwords) to a new user

300+ Connections, need to transfer Connection Details (incl Passwords) to a new user

Thread created by mexx hexx


I have 300+ Connections, need to transfer Connection Details (incl Passwords) to a new user. But when I export/import, all the passwords are gone.

Please help!

Thanks, Marcus

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Hi Brad,

I wonder what the purpose of this Connection/User/Password restriction is. But thanks for the info anyways.

And nevermind, during my research I came across an old ToadWorld forum post from 2012 (!) with instructions on how to transfer Toad connections (with password) between different users -->



It basically comes down to security. There are many, many, many security requirements across many industries that dictate how password information is saved (if it can be saved at all). The key common requirement is that you can’t give passwords “en masse” to another person so our implementation of that requirement is to tie the encryption to the user. Although it can be an inconvenience in scenarios such as yours, security concerns have really come to the forefront and as a software provider, we need to be very cognizant of these needs from our customers.


From: Qubit Hexx [mailto:bounce-spam_13412@toadworld.com]

Sent: Friday, August 12, 2016 8:34 AM

To: toadoracle@toadworld.com

Subject: RE: [Toad for Oracle - Discussion Forum] 300+ Connections, need to transfer Connection Details (incl Passwords) to a new user

RE: 300+ Connections, need to transfer Connection Details (incl Passwords) to a new user

Reply by Qubit Hexx

Hi Brad,

I wonder what the purpose of this Connection/User/Password restriction is. But thanks for the info anyways.

And nevermind, during my research I came across an old ToadWorld forum post from 2012 (!) with instructions on how to transfer Toad connections (with password) between different users anyways -->



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Thanks Gregory!

I fully understand where you are coming from - but having said that, there are so many other tools that allow export/imports (FileZilla for example).

Because we can’t export and share toad passwords directly, we have to keep them in clear text in excel, and lock that in our Password Vault Sw… It would be so much easier if you could add a “save for all users” feature (maybe even linked with a single master password).

Anyways, maybe you could bring it up for discussion for one of the next builds.

In the meanwhile, w’ll be working around this issue with 3rd party tools ( /products/toad-for-oracle/f/10/t/11081 ) but I’d much rather have Toad do that out-of-the-box

One way to push the idea forward is to add it to the IdeaPond.


I do understand the issue here as well. As a general security rule, the harder you make things, the more likely that the systems will be bypassed and password stored in the clear (on a post-it under a keyboard or on a share drive in a Word doc). The flip side of that for us is that if we don’t follow these “rules”, many companies will simply not do business with us. This generally means Fortune 500 companies and government institutions. We’ve been discussing this internally as well but adding it to the IdeaPond can help boost the case.


From: Qubit Hexx [mailto:bounce-spam_13412@toadworld.com]

Sent: Friday, August 12, 2016 8:51 AM

To: toadoracle@toadworld.com

Subject: RE: [Toad for Oracle - Discussion Forum] 300+ Connections, need to transfer Connection Details (incl Passwords) to a new user

RE: 300+ Connections, need to transfer Connection Details (incl Passwords) to a new user

Reply by Qubit Hexx

Thanks Gregory!

I fully understand where you are coming from - but having said that, there are so many other tools that allow export/imports (FileZilla for example).

Because we can’t export and share toad passwords directly, we have to keep them in clear text in excel, and lock that in our Password Vault Sw… It would be so much easier if you could add a “save for all users” feature (maybe even linked with a single master password).

Anyways, maybe you could bring it up for discussion for one of the next builds.

In the meanwhile, w’ll be working around this issue with 3rd party tools ( /products/toad-for-oracle/f/10/t/11081 ) but I’d much rather have Toad do that out-of-the-box

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