I’m guessing “test” is an app name and not an action name correct? If you’re calling a single action you need to do something like this: -a “app->action |
Other than that it looks like your syntax is fine. What happens if you try a connect command instead of an action command, like this: toad.exe -c user/pw@db
One other thing you could try is browsing directly to your Toad folder in program files and running like this: Toad.exe -a “test | C:\Temp\testini”
“C:\Program Files\Toad for Oracle 12.6\Toad.exe” -a “test | C:\Temp\test.ini”
From: MO2015 [mailto:bounce-moisesozi@toadworld.com]
Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2015 6:05 PM
To: toadoracle@toadworld.com
Subject: [Toad for Oracle - Discussion Forum] Batch file for Automation Designer
Batch file for Automation Designer
Thread created by MO2015
I am using TOAD 12.6 for oracle. I created some Apps on Automation Designer. I also created a .ini parameter for each app. They work well inside TOAD.
I would like to create a .bat file to call my apps from windows task scheduler.
Does anybody know the syntax?
For app “test”, the following did not work.
“C:\Program Files\Toad for Oracle 12.6\Toad.exe” -a “test | C:\Temp\test.ini”
Thank you.
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