Actually I'm doing an evaluation of toad for windows.
I've installed Oracle 19 with SQLplus on my PC and TOAD Trial. SQLPlus can connect to Oracle but Toad display that error.
Any ideas or can't we install toad AND oracle on one windows 10 pc?
Note: I have installed a 64-Bit oracle and a 64 Bit Toad.
Do you have DynaTrace installed on the same PC?
If so, there is an incompatibility between DynaTrace and 64 bit Toad on Windows 10 or Server 2016. This will be fixed in the version after 14.0.
You can work around it by using the 32 bit version of Toad.
When you say "can toad and oracle be installed on same PC", are you referring to oracle server or client? The answer is "yes" either way, but I'm not clear on your config.
Yes, Dynatrace is installed. I'm currently evaluating the problem, why toad crashes, if DynaTrace is installed.
Toad has an error logging component called EurakaLog. EurekaLog and Dynatrace both hook into the CreateFileA WinAPI function. The problem is that EurkaLog wasn't counting on another app hooking into the same function, and it EurekaLog's hook fails because DynaTrace has already hooked it.
We'll have this fixed soon in beta after 14.0 is released. We actually have the fix from EurekaLog already, but it was too late to include in Toad 14.0.
Toad 14.0 will at least have a nice dialog when this error happens explaining what it means, causes, and solutions.
As I said, you can use a 32 bit Toad to work around it with Toad 13.3. But if you do that, you'll also need to install a 32 bit Oracle client on that machine.
Thanks for the update. We will discuss this tomorrow.
Another possible workaround:
- Leave DynaTrace installed on server
- Use Toad (32 or 64 bit, doesn't matter) to connect to server from a different PC which does not have DynaTrace installed.