Describe tabs or separate windows

I’m loving the Compare Objects feature. Very handy for similar versions of
the same table or whatever.

There are times when I need (ok, want) to see two very dissimilar objects
simultaneously. Time was when I could “describe” each and Toad would
display them in separate windows. Now my 10.6 just opens another tab in the same
window. Saves PC memory perhaps, but not mine.

Is there an option that I haven’t found yet for getting separate windows?

Thanks much,


Daniel B Madvig
Computer Technologies

Northwestern College & Northwestern Media
3003 Snelling Ave.
St. Paul, MN 55113



That’s an option, check out the Windows page. Looks for something that says
‘Stay on top’

Options -> Windows. Set “Describe Windows” to “Stay on
Top” to get what you are asking for. (In Toad 11, this option gets moved
to Options -> Schema Browser -> Describe Windows)

If you sometimes like grouped, leave the option alone, and you can always drag a
tab out from the grouped describe. If you drag it out to your desktop somewhere,
it will become its own window outside of Toad. If you drag it inside Toad, it
will become a child window inside Toad.



Daniel B Madvig
Computer Technologies

Northwestern College & Northwestern Media
3003 Snelling Ave.
St. Paul, MN 55113


:slight_smile: And I forgot to mention, if you later want the grouped describe to pull it
back in, click the ‘reclaim a dragged out object’ on the grouped
describe window toolbar.