Dir locking from Toad

Tested versions 10,11,12

Steps for reproduce (there might be more cases but this one worries me most):

  1. open Database|Monitor|ADDM/AWR Report

  2. Make one ASH (AWR report … whatever)

  3. Save it to one dir.

  4. Close this tab in toad

  5. try to rename dir where you have placed a AWR/ASH file … cannot …locked by Toad.

Please release the lock after tab is closed …


Damir Vadas

Every application has a “current working directory”. When you save a file in Toad (or most other programs), the current working directory is going to be wherever
you saved the file to.

I just tried it with MS Word and got the same result. It may be a little inconvenient, but it is nothing to worry about.

To get the lock to be released you could either close Toad or save a file (the same or a different one) to another location from Toad.

From: damir.vadas_531 [mailto:bounce-damirvadas_531@toadworld.com]

Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2013 8:09 AM

To: toadoracle@toadworld.com

Subject: [Toad for Oracle - Discussion Forum] Dir locking from Toad

Dir locking from Toad

Thread created by damir.vadas_531

Tested versions 10,11,12

Steps for reproduce (there might be more cases but this one worries me most):

  1. open Database|Monitor|ADDM/AWR Report

  2. Make one ASH (AWR report … whatever)

  3. Save it to one dir.

  4. Close this tab in toad

  5. try to rename dire where you place a file … cannot …locked by Toad.

Please release the lock after tab is closed …


Damir Vadas


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Hi John,

Glad to see you back from holidays …[H]

Ok your answer seems to me clear.

But after each “tab closing” action, should’n it be possible to return “current working directory” to initial one … or at least have a Toad option for that?


Please do not mix Toad with MS logic …


Yes it’s possible to do that. We’d just have to remember it before we change it, so we can make the next open/save dialog open in that folder. I guess
we have never bothered with this because it is not very often that a user will want to move/rename/delete the last used folder.

From: damir.vadas_531 [mailto:bounce-damirvadas_531@toadworld.com]

Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2013 1:12 PM

To: toadoracle@toadworld.com

Subject: RE: [Toad for Oracle - Discussion Forum] Dir locking from Toad

RE: Dir locking from Toad

Reply by damir.vadas_531


But after each “tab closing” action, should’n it be possible to return “current working directory” to initial one … or at least have a Toad option for that?

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here is mine situation.

  1. I analyze some AWR reports.
  2. Save them on some folder.
  3. Copy all of those files to some sharepoint location
  4. when I do that I have to mark this dir as transferred. So I have to rename it…for that I need to close Toad …
  5. And then go to point 1) …
    Hope now is all more clear…to see mine position …

