Editor - Toggle Full Screen Grid (shift-F2) requires two F2 keystrokes first

I noticed some additional details to add to the mix.

Pic 1: As before, Select statement completes, data grid is populated

Pic 2: Shift-F2 - The code window expands completely to the left. The data grid becomes full screen behind the code panel!
(At this point, repeated use of Shift-F2 will alternate between pic 1 and pic 2 layouts)

Pic 3: First F2 keystroke

Pic 4: Second F2 keystroke
The Navigator panel is now displayed in locked open position, even though I didn't pin it myself.
I noticed tonight that if I manually unpin it (so it withdraws into the left side bar), then the screen layout is locked. Nothing happens when I use Shift-F2 or F2. If I manually expand the navigator window and repin it to lock it in place, then I can proceed with the F2/F2/shift-F2 routine as per my previous post