Playing around with this and it's very cool. However, the prereq calls for
a $40 Outlook plugin. Bah! I'll write one myself. With massive Google
help, I came up with this prototype for MS Lookout 2003:
- In Lookout, hit to launch the VBA IDE.
- Paste this code --:
Sub SaveMailRule(MyMail As MailItem)
Dim strID, strSub, strTime, Filename, ToadEXE As String
Dim ShellSts As Integer
Dim objMail As Outlook.MailItem
strID = MyMail.EntryID
Set objMail = Application.Session.GetItemFromID(strID)
strSub = Replace(objMail.Subject, ":", "")
strTime = Format(objMail.CreationTime, "mmddyyyy_hhnnss")
Filename = "C:\temp\" & strSub & "." & strTime & ".txt"
' objMail.SaveAs (Filename), olTXT
ToadEXE = """C:\Program Files\Quest Software\Toad for Oracle
10.6\Toad.exe"" -a ""OutlookApp"""
ShellSts = Shell(ToadEXE)
Set objMail = Nothing
End Sub
2a) Note the commented out and extraneous file stuff -- future functionality!
3) Click the "Save" icon, or , or File->Save...
4) Create a rule in Lookout to "Run script", selecting the above script to
run for whatever event trips your Lookout trigger.
5) Create an App in Toad called "OutlookApp"
6) Send yourself a test email.
It really should not be a lot of more work to duplicate the ORNIC
functionality for zero cost. Of course, you'll need to be aware of any and
all security related to the implementation of this client-side script.
Rich -- [TeamT]
Disclaimer: Most folks worth their salt have been peppered a few times.
From my phone I sent myself an email with "MyApps->RunOra10GHealthCheck"
the Subject. A few minutes later this is the result:
I'm sick of trying to P2V my Grid Control server -- this sounds like the
perfect Friday project!
Rich -- [TeamT]