Email your Toad

From my phone I sent myself an email with “MyApps->RunOra10GHealthCheck” as the
Subject. A few minutes later this is the result:

This technique is discussed in a paper found here, but I wanted to mention it
again, as some thought that the technique required you to write a script file
and attach it to the email. Not at all. You simply have to have the name of an
Action as the email Subject.


Thanks Mark. That is pretty cool. Hey where are all your bars? Are
you sure your holding the phone correctly?

I gave up on Outlook a while ago and now use Mozilla Thunderbird. I
wonder if something like this can be setup in Thunderbird?


On 9/23/2010 1:47 PM, Mark Lerch wrote:

From my phone I sent myself an email with
"MyApps->RunOra10GHealthCheck" as the Subject. A few minutes later this
is the result:

This technique is discussed in a paper found here, but I wanted to
mention it again, as some thought that the technique required you to
write a script file and attach it to the email. Not at all. You simply
have to have the name of an Action as the email Subject.

The iPhone doesn’t need bars. It just works.

I’ll be amazed if Thunderbird doesn’t have an add-on to support that. There are over 1000 available. I’m jealous!

Morning Ed,

I gave up on Outlook a while ago and now use Mozilla Thunderbird.
Me too!

I wonder if something like this can be setup in Thunderbird?
Possibly, but you have to remember, Thunderbird is a secure mail client!

Norm. [TeamT]

Information in this message may be confidential and may be legally privileged. If you have received this message by mistake, please notify the sender immediately, delete it and do not copy it to anyone else.

We have checked this email and its attachments for viruses. But you should still check any attachment before opening it.
We may have to make this message and any reply to it public if asked to under the Freedom of Information Act, Data Protection Act or for litigation. Email messages and attachments sent to or from any Environment Agency address may also be accessed by someone other than the sender or recipient, for business purposes.

If we have sent you information and you wish to use it please read our terms and conditions which you can get by calling us on 08708 506 506. Find out more about the Environment Agency at

Morning Ed,

I wonder if something like this can be setup in Thunderbird?
FiltaQuilla :: Add-ons for Thunderbird

Norm. [TeamT]

Information in this message may be confidential and may be legally privileged. If you have received this message by mistake, please notify the sender immediately, delete it and do not copy it to anyone else.

We have checked this email and its attachments for viruses. But you should still check any attachment before opening it.
We may have to make this message and any reply to it public if asked to under the Freedom of Information Act, Data Protection Act or for litigation. Email messages and attachments sent to or from any Environment Agency address may also be accessed by someone other than the sender or recipient, for business purposes.

If we have sent you information and you wish to use it please read our terms and conditions which you can get by calling us on 08708 506 506. Find out more about the Environment Agency at

Nice! Thanks Norm I will check it out.


On 9/24/2010 3:25 AM, Dunbar, Norman (Capgemini) wrote:

Morning Ed,

I wonder if something like this can be setup in Thunderbird?
FiltaQuilla :: Add-ons for Thunderbird

Norm. [TeamT]

From my phone I sent myself an email with "MyApps->RunOra10GHealthCheck" as
the Subject. A few minutes later this is the result:

I'm sick of trying to P2V my Grid Control server -- this sounds like the
perfect Friday project!

Rich -- [TeamT]

Disclaimer: Some days I love my job. Other days I'm sober.

Playing around with this and it's very cool. However, the prereq calls for
a $40 Outlook plugin. Bah! I'll write one myself. With massive Google
help, I came up with this prototype for MS Lookout 2003:

  1. In Lookout, hit to launch the VBA IDE.
  2. Paste this code --:

Sub SaveMailRule(MyMail As MailItem)
Dim strID, strSub, strTime, Filename, ToadEXE As String
Dim ShellSts As Integer
Dim objMail As Outlook.MailItem

strID = MyMail.EntryID
Set objMail = Application.Session.GetItemFromID(strID)

strSub = Replace(objMail.Subject, ":", "")
strTime = Format(objMail.CreationTime, "mmddyyyy_hhnnss")

Filename = "C:\temp\" & strSub & "." & strTime & ".txt"

' objMail.SaveAs (Filename), olTXT

ToadEXE = """C:\Program Files\Quest Software\Toad for Oracle

10.6\Toad.exe"" -a ""OutlookApp"""

ShellSts = Shell(ToadEXE)

Set objMail = Nothing

End Sub

2a) Note the commented out and extraneous file stuff -- future functionality!
3) Click the "Save" icon, or , or File->Save...
4) Create a rule in Lookout to "Run script", selecting the above script to
run for whatever event trips your Lookout trigger.
5) Create an App in Toad called "OutlookApp"
6) Send yourself a test email.

It really should not be a lot of more work to duplicate the ORNIC
functionality for zero cost. Of course, you'll need to be aware of any and
all security related to the implementation of this client-side script.


Rich -- [TeamT]

Disclaimer: Most folks worth their salt have been peppered a few times.

From my phone I sent myself an email with "MyApps->RunOra10GHealthCheck"
the Subject. A few minutes later this is the result:

I'm sick of trying to P2V my Grid Control server -- this sounds like the
perfect Friday project!

Rich -- [TeamT]

I had lunch with Dennis and he mentioned he was working on a VB Script to try to create the needed functionality. I told him I’d be surprised if you could easily send the email Subject to the application as a parameter. Guess not! I’ll go ahead and try this, and update my paper, because this is clearly better.

By the way - I never bought that component. It still works, so I don’t know if I’m under a trial period or not. It’s been awhile.

thanks Rich!

This just always executes the App named “OutlookApp.” We need to be able to provide the App/Action to execute within the Subject of the Email. We also need to be able to extract the Body of the Email and use that, as well as any attachments.

So it’s got a ways to go. I look forward to seeing what you can do over the weekend Rich.

Mark wrote:

I had lunch with Dennis and he mentioned he was working on a VB Script to
try to create the needed functionality. I told him I'd be surprised if you
could easily send the email Subject to the application as a parameter.
Guess not! I'll go ahead and try this, and update my paper, because this is
clearly better.

I started out trying to completely duplicate the functionality described in
the paper, but not having any knowledge of VBA at all it became clear that I
needed to scale down. But I kept some of the code I had plagiarized for
doing the file save of the body. I've seen code on how to save the
attachments as well, so that shouldn't be a biggie either. Making them
"enterprise-ready" however will most likely be more of a challenge...

By the way - I never bought that component. It still works, so I don't know
if I'm under a trial period or not. It's been awhile.

I was wondering why they have the "buy" and "Download" buttons there, but
didn't want to go down that road...

thanks Rich!

No no, thank you, Mark!

Rich -- [TeamT]

Disclaimer: This is the one. Stops time. Freeze Ray. Tell your friends.

So it's got a ways to go. I look forward to seeing what you can do over the
weekend Rich.

I can continue managing my basement remodel over the weekend. So I've got
that going for me, which is nice... :slight_smile:

Rich -- [TeamT]

Disclaimer: I celebrated Half Way to St. Patty's Day last weekend.