Morning All, (Well, it is here!)
I follow along on the Toad for Oracle, Toad Beta, Toad SQL and TDM
forums to get my daily dose of all things Toad related.
I have noticed a couple of foibles that are, sadly, driving me even
madder than I normally am.
- All the emails I get are timed at the date and time I download them.
For example, today’s batch of overnight email postings are all times at
08:28 AM which is when my email system decided to check. When I check
last night on my tablet, the same ones came down at 23:23 (I know, I
should be asleep!) and if I check on my phone at lunchtime in the
office, well, they come down at lunchtime.
I have my laptop set up as my main email client and when it downloads
from the server, the emails are deleted. The other devices just pull
down whatever they haven’t received yet. Hence I can get the same emails
at different times on different devices.
- Because they all come down at the same time, my sort order of
date/Descending is useless - everything gets sorted by the exact same
date and time, so threading (see below) is almost impossible and it;s
difficult to determine the correct order of correspondence in some of
the longer threads.
- I can cope with the above to a certain extent, however, threading is
totally broken I’m afraid. I have separate folders in Thunderbird for
Toad, Beta, TDM, SQL etc and all are sorted into date descending order,
and threaded. As mentioned above, sorting by date is hopeless as they
all have the same date & time, but nothing at all is threaded. This
makes it even more difficult to follow along the thread of conversation.
- Sometimes when I reply to an email, nothing happens! I get no copies
of my own email - which might be a setting in the forum of course - and
in about 25% of the cases when I reply, nothing happens at all, it never
hits the forum, so no-one can see my replies and general usefulness!
(Ok, I lied about being useful!)
- It’s got to the stage where I now tend to login to the forum and
respond there, and when I paste SQL into the reply area, it all looks
fine, but then when submitted, I get blank lines between each line of
pasted code which just looks bad and means that anyone copying my code
has to then “post process” it to get rid of the empty lines before it
can be used.
For what it’s worth, the laptop is a Dell Vostro 1720 64 bit running
Linux Mint 17.3 and Thunderbird 38.5.1.
The phone is a Samsung Note 3 running Android 5.0 and the tablet is
another Samsung running Android 5.0 as well, both are running the latest
K9 email client. However, I think the problem is at the forum end.
I’m sure I’m not the only one with these observations? I’m also sure
that this isn’t the correct place to be discussing this problem, so feel
free to point me elsewhere, thanks.
Sorry about the eRant.
Norm. [TeamT]