Evening all,
I’m just back from two weeks in very sunny Sardinia, hiding from the sun with my factor 50 and a welder’s helmet! Anyway, I noticed that the Toad group has been shut down on Yahoo and that we are now fully part of the Toad World family.
I’ve logged in and set up my groups etc, and subscribed to emails for each of my groups - Toad for Oracle, Toad Beta, Oracle and Toad Data Modeller - I’m getting the hang of this IT lark!
One thing I noticed with the emails, they no longer get threaded in Thunderbird. This is a bit of a bummer for me as I like to keep mu emails threaded so everything is collected together for each “problem” that I keep handy. Is anyone else seeing a distinct lack of threading now or if it just me. I’m on the latest version of Thunderbird which is 17.0.7 and I’m running Linux Mint 13 KDE version.
Another problem, I’ve looked, but cannot find, the email address to send an email to in order to begin a new topic in the forum, is there one, or do I need to login to Toad World to start a new forum topic?
I do like the ability to grab an RSS feed from the forum(s) though - that’s already set up in my feed reader.
Norm. [TeamT]