Error: pivot grid "Value cannot be null"

I’m getting this error when running a Pivot Grid in Automation. The Pivot Grid .tpg file runs fine on its own, but not with Automation. Any hints? See attached for settings and error log.
Running TDA

UserPermsError.pdf (57 KB)

Is the connection in the automation script the correct one?


Yes, I rechecked that. Still can’t discern the problem.

The next thing that comes to mind is a parameter defined in the Toad Pivot Grid that should not be define. Can you send me Toad Pivot Grid file? Debbie

The SQL is gone in the pivot grid file for some reason. To put the SQL back, right click on the pivot grid and choose the ‘Edit underlying query’.


Thanks Debbie, I must have missed the part about saving the query along with the grid (output data). I reconstructed the query and inserted it; now it runs with the automation.
I wish the error msg had been something like ‘no underlying query’. Hoping to move to the newest version soon.