Error Validating License

When I start TOAD I'm getting the following error: Error Validating License.
On the website I can see that our license expires on oct 9, 2027 and mine is still active.

Are there any problems with Quest?

Not that I've heard of. You should contact support about this if you are still having problems.


There should be a Licensing.log file created in this folder %APPDATA%\Quest Software\Toad for Oracle\Subscription\Log. Email it to me and I'll have a look.

I also see that you are holding a seat on two Toad for Oracle Base Subscription licenses. Both expire in October 2027. One license number ends with 207 and the other ends with 999. Maybe if you remove yourself from one of those seats you can see if one or both licenses are problematic for you. You don't need to occupy a seat on both licenses and from what I can tell they are both identical. By occupying a seat on both you're leaving less room for someone else at your organization to have a license.

I already contacted support, but they haven't found a solution yet.

I've sent a mail with the logfile.