Error when using Automation Designer

Hi Group,

I’m a new TOAD user and am working to get up-to-speed on the Automation Designer. I’m attempting to create my first “Schedule” to run my action at a specific time. I’m getting an error message when entering my user name and password. This message says, “Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password.” Ironically if I clear the password and leave it blank, I can click “Next” and the schedule is accepted. I’ve looked at the file output and it appears that it has run. However it isn’t listed in the Execution Log. So I have several questions:

I created the “Action” as an “Export Dataset1”. In the properties interface, I set the options to export the output as an Excel file with all the appropriate settings. I renamed it and then right click this instance and chose the “Schedule” button. There I gave the schedule a name and set the time, etc. So my questions are:

  1. where is it important to use the user name and password?

  2. why would it not accept my own personal username and password? I do have a co-worker that has his own schema so I tried his user name and password with no success.

In advance, thanks for your help.


The scheduler in Toad uses the standard windows scheduler, so you should use whatever you would use for that. Maybe you need to prefix the username it with the domain (eg. domain\username).