Find a column in a grid

So I totally lost, or won?, in today’s game of stump the chump.

User has a very un-normalized system. They have about a dozen tables, each with
several hundred COLUMNs.

Is there a way in Toad to auto-navigate or find a column in a grid?

Scrolling left or right I suppose gets cumbersome when dealing with that number
of entries.


Rt-click in grid, then ‘sort columns’ and alphabetize or

Rt-click in grid, then ‘sort columns’

If you click in that grid, you can start typing for incremental search.

Then user can move the desired column to the top with the button that has 2 up

Well, you could start by right mouse clicking on the grid, selecting “sort column”, and then putting the column(s) they want at the top of the list. Or alphabetize them. Not exactly what you’re looking for, but maybe a start?

That’s most helpful. Thank you.

Adding the IDs (column numbers) to the grid headers would also be helpful.


Daniel B Madvig
Computer Technologies

Northwestern College & Northwestern Media
3003 Snelling Ave.
St. Paul, MN 55113


typing for incremental search will do the trick!

Hey Dan,

We’d have to implement it in a way that gets the IDs from their position
in your select statement, which could differ from the column’s position in
the table. If it even exists in a table. In ‘select user from dual’,
the result column doesn’t belong to any table. Would that matter to you?

It would have to be optional, too. Some people would not want to give up the
horizontal space for this information.


I guess I’m referring to a particular data grid – namely the one I
see when I “describe” a table or view. It’s the “Column
Name” and “ID” from the “Columns” tab that
I’d like to see displayed together as the column headers in the
“Data” tab.

Daniel B Madvig
Computer Technologies

Northwestern College & Northwestern Media
3003 Snelling Ave.
St. Paul, MN 55113


I guess I’m referring to a particular data grid – namely the one I
see when I “describe” a table or view. It’s the “Column
Name” and “ID” from the “Columns” tab that
I’d like to see displayed together as the column headers in the
“Data” tab.

Daniel B Madvig
Computer Technologies

Northwestern College & Northwestern Media
3003 Snelling Ave.
St. Paul, MN 55113


Actual column IDs rather than just position in the query is easy if you want to
restrict it to SB-Tables/Views/MViews-Data

The question is, would others find it useful? Vote here:


Actual column IDs rather than just position in the query is easy if you want to
restrict it to SB-Tables/Views/MViews-Data

The question is, would others find it useful? Vote here:


mike is right…here are some specifics:

select table_name,column_name from USER_TAB_COLUMNS where

select table_name.column_name from information_schema.columns where

any other database involves alot of scrolling

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I jumped on the Idea Pond before seeing this discussion.

Had never used the Alphabetise Columns option before, very cool. I’d still like to be able to search for a column in the data grid though. A Find dialog would be good. It would jump to the name of the column that I entered. Maybe the “Click here to show/hide columns” could also display a find dialog with wildcard matching. Focus would then jump to the matching column in the grid.

CTRL+F in a data grid now brings up a ‘find data’ dialog, which
in my mind, is something that we could get rid of, with all the grid filtering
that comes with the new grids.

So if we did get rid of it, we could replace it with a column finder.

Or, if we keep it, we could have Shift+Ctrl+F invoke a column finder.

This idea has come up before, and I do think it’s a deficiency in Toad.
I’ll see what I can come up with. If I can make something graceful in the
‘click here to show/hide columns’ widget, I will, but it would be
nice if the whole thing could be keyboard driven.

As good as the filters are, I think the Ctrl+F would be missed…if only
b/c a lot users neglect the filters.