Focus delay when switching to Toad from other applications

Since installing 16.0.64, whenever I click into another application and then back to Toad, it takes 4-5 seconds before the application gets focus. It was fine prior to this version but the delay is consistent in this one.


Are you using the windows taskbar, or Alt tab, or something else?

Is Toad Maximized? does it matter?

which window is active in Toad?

Hi John,

You aren't going to believe me now but the issue has been plaguing me all day regardless of method of window switching, screen size or active window (usually Editor or describe window) and now, since disappearing to a meeting for an hour, it doesn't seem to be happening anymore. Nothing has rebooted, nothing obviously changed but it's suddenly back to normal. I would have been blaming the PC if it had been all applications but it was just Toad and just since the latest update so I can't explain it.

I will monitor and see if it does the same thing to me tomorrow.


Weird. ok, thanks for the update.

This same thing happens to me. I thought it might be because I'm working remotely. Like the OP said, it doesn't matter how I switch between windows, or whether Toad is maximized, etc. It happens every single time. I don't have delays in any other applications I use.

It's probably related to color schemes/dark mode. There is a lot more painting going on when that's enabled. I'll keep an eye out for it. Thanks.

Hi John,

This issue seems to have returned! Version 17.1.391.2400. And this time it isn't just when returning to Toad from other applications, it's even when moving between connections and editor windows. I have noticed that I get a message in the messages tab saying "No errors found" so I'm wondering if it is trying to parse everything in the editor every time I switch back to it. Indeed, if the editor window is empty, it seems to be a lot quicker so that theory holds water! I can't see anything obvious in the settings to turn that feature off but if there is one, please let me know cos it's getting really annoying having to wait so long to do anything.



Hi Mark,

Can you get me a freeze log?

  • Get Toad "ready" to cause the delay (put some big package in editor, etc. Whatever causes it.)
  • Go to Help -> About
  • Type in "freeze" (just type, it doesn't 'go' anywhere. no quotes)
  • When the dialog appears, check "report app freeze as error"
  • Bump the threshold down to maybe 7 seconds or so - whatever seems appropriate. Don't set it too low or it may report on the wrong thing.
  • Click OK to close the dialog and "about" window.
  • Do whatever will cause the delay.
  • When the freeze error appears, click "click here"
  • In the next dialog check "copy to clipboard"
  • click OK
  • Paste the clipboard contents here.

You can go back into help -> about and type "freeze" again to disable it, or just restart Toad.

Aha! Hidden debug! I set it to 10 seconds (actually freezes for about 12-13 seconds each time so you can imaging how annoying it can get). Here's the output:

Toad.el (410.1 KB)



It's actually less hidden under Options -> General (there you can turn on all of the logging that Toad has to offer in one click and everything gets written to the "Logs" folder (next to "User Files"), but there you can't control the threshold.

Looking at your log, it appears that something is blocking us from detecting the timestamp on the file which is loaded into the editor.

A few thoughts:

  • Does another app have that file locked? (If not some other editor - maybe a virus scanner or something that might block Toad's access?)
  • Is the path to that file always available?
  • Does this problem happen with any file?

Hi John,

You may be on to something with the files because if I have an empty editor, there is no delay. There is nothing locking them though and I did some experiments using the same file in 3 different Toad versions: 16.3, 17.0 and 17.1 and I only get the issue in 17.1.



Hi Mark,

I'm not doubting you, but that code hasn't changed from 17.0. It's a pretty short call stack from Toad receiving focus until where we check the timestamp, so I'm not sure what the problem is.

Can you reproduce it with any file, even a small file with only something like "select * from dual" in it?


Hi John,

It doesn't even need to be a file - just having select 1 from dual written in the editor window is enough to make it have the delay. I see there's a new beta so I'll download and install that and see if it's made any difference. I'm actually out of the office for a day now so I'll check back in on Thursday and let you know if the new beta has fixed it.



Actually, I couldn't wait that long to find out!

With the new beta it is rapid - no delay whatsoever. I can switch to Outlook, switch back Toad and start typing instantly. Not sure what was wrong with the last one but I'm glad it's gone away!



Wow - I'm not sure what changed, but I'm glad it's fixed too. let me know if you have any more problems.