I have installed OEL6.5 and oracle grid 11g installed inside VMWARE machine whereas I have installed TOAD FOR ORACLE freeware on windows 7. I need to know how do i connect to oracle database.
Please advise.
I have installed OEL6.5 and oracle grid 11g installed inside VMWARE machine whereas I have installed TOAD FOR ORACLE freeware on windows 7. I need to know how do i connect to oracle database.
Please advise.
same as always. Make sure the machine that Toad is on can see the database server on the network. Add it to tnsnames.ora, and you’re done.
I am getting following error message and could not get connected. By the way how do i Enter the TNSNames.ora file location . Since oracle is installed inside VMWARE test machine and TOAD is installed at windows 7 OS. Please recommend any url if you have for the configuration.
Checking that error says about ORA FILE PATH.
However connecting through PUTTY or SSH it works below is an output
Please advise
Do you have an Oracle client installed (32 bit client for 32 bit Toad and 64 bit client for 64 bit Toad)? Can you connect via SQL*Plus? You have to create the TNSNames entry yourself. Much of this information is covered in the getting started guide in the documentation folder. You may also want to review connecting to an Oracle Database in the Oracle documentation.
I have installed ORACLE ENTERPRISE LINUX 6.5 AND ORACLE 11G GRID one inside VMWARE machine which is of X86_64bit. But I have install Toad for ORACLE 64 inside wondows 7. I haven’t installed sqldeveloper at windows 7. I am downloading it and will let you know the output from sqldeveloper but I wonder what is the reason that i am not been able to connect to ORACLE from Toad ? Isn’t there any online url like connecting ORACLE installed in VMWARE machine from Toad which is instaled at windows 7.
Hello Gregory.
I am now able to connect through SQLDEVELOPER, Please find the attached screenshot herewith. However I am not been able to connect through TOAD. Please find the error message that i received while connecting ORACLE from TOAD. Besides I checked the SUPPORTIVE PLATFORM from this URL which has no any issue. its compatible. Please let know how this error can be solved No valid Oracle clients found. You need at least one 64-bit client properly configured.
I don't know about vmware but for virtual box you need to be able to access the guest os, Oracle linux in your case, from the host. To do this both need to have their network configured on the same net. In virtual box I use a bridged network for the guest and it then appears on the same net as my host.
Vmware might have a similar setting.
Good luck.
Norm [ TeamT ]
On 17 January 2016 08:32:23 GMT+00:00, Ujjwal Rana bounce-Ujjwal_Rana@toadworld.com wrote:
Reply by Ujjwal Rana
I have installed ORACLE ENTERPRISE LINUX 6.5 AND ORACLE 11G GRID one inside VMWARE machine which is of X86_64bit. But I have install Toad for ORACLE 64 inside wondows 7. I haven't installed sqldeveloper at windows 7. I am downloading it and will let you know the output from sqldeveloper but I wonder what is the reason that i am not been able to connect to ORACLE from Toad ? Isn't there any online url like connecting ORACLE installed in VMWARE machine from Toad which is instaled at windows 7.
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Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
But If I am able to connect through SQL DEVELOPER which is installed in windows 7 then i should be able to get connected from TOAD as well. Getting connected from SQL DEVELOPER means there is no issue of getting connecting from windows sql developer to oracle installed inside vmware. I have configured NAT for this and its perfectly getting connected from SQL DEVELOPER but in case of TOAD i believe there has to be some other reasons for not getting connected.
SQL Developer uses JDBC to connect. Toad uses OCI and therefore requires an OCI client installed. Can you connect via SQL*Plus?
On Jan 17, 2016, at 8:34 AM, Ujjwal Rana bounce-Ujjwal_Rana@toadworld.com wrote:
Reply by Ujjwal Rana
But If I am able to connect through SQL DEVELOPER which is installed in windows 7 then i should be able to get connected from TOAD as well. Getting connected from SQL DEVELOPER means there is no issue of getting connecting from windows sql developer to oracle installed inside vmware. I have configured NAT for this and its perfectly getting connected from SQL DEVELOPER but in case of TOAD i believe there has to be some other reasons for not getting connected.
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Yes I am able to connect from SQL PLUS. So what i need to do for OCI client installed. Do i have to installed it under windows 7 or inside OEL6.5 ? Is there any online installation guide url for OCI. Please advise.
It needs to be installed on the same machine that Toad is installed on. Please read the installation guide and the getting started guide that come with Toad.
On Jan 17, 2016, at 10:04 AM, Ujjwal Rana bounce-Ujjwal_Rana@toadworld.com wrote:
Reply by Ujjwal Rana
Yes I am able to connect from SQL PLUS. So what i need to do for OCI client installed. Do i have to installed it under windows 7 or inside OEL6.5 ? Please advise.
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On 17/01/16 15:04, Ujjwal Rana wrote:
*RE: How to connect oracle database from toad ?
Reply by Ujjwal Rana
Yes I am able to connect from SQL PLUS. So what i need to do for OCI
client installed. Do i have to installed it under windows 7 or inside
OEL6.5 ? Please advise.
If you are able to connect to the database (on your VMWARE OEL 6.5
system) from your Windows 7 system, then you already have an OCI client
installed and, more importantly, working. All you need now is for Toad
to be able to find it.
You can, on the session -> New Session dialogue, click on the drop down
list named "Connect Using" to see the list of Oracle Homes that Toad has
If there are none, then ask yourself the following question, did you
install Toad 32 or 64 bit? And did the Oracle install have the same
number of bits?
Toad requires to connect to the OCI supplied in the Oracle client that
has the same number of bits. So 64 bit Toad cannot see or connect to a
32 bit OCI, and nor can a 32 bit Toad connect to a 64 bit client.
Assuming both "bits" are the same, is you Oracle client's "bin" folder
on %PATH%? Start a CMD session and check it by typing echo %PATH% into
it. Look for the Oracle installed client's "bin" folder on the output.
If it's not there, Control Panel -> System ->Advanced Tab and add the
path to your own environment variables for PATH.
Stop and restart Toad to see if it gets picked up - check the drop down
again. If so, you should now be able to connect, if not, something is
horribly wrong!
I suspect your problem is because you don't have the same number of bits
in Toad as you do in your Oracle client install on Windows 7.
Norm. [TeamT]
Your Windows 7 machine where Toad resides must have an Oracle client 64-bit installed and configured properly. Look at the documentation Greg mentioned and Google installing and configuring an Oracle client.
On Jan 17, 2016, at 12:08 AM, Ujjwal Rana bounce-Ujjwal_Rana@toadworld.com wrote:
Reply by Ujjwal Rana
I have installed ORACLE ENTERPRISE LINUX 6.5 AND ORACLE 11G GRID one inside VMWARE machine which is of X86_64bit. But I have install Toad for ORACLE 64 inside wondows 7. I haven't installed sqldeveloper at windows 7. I am downloading it and will let you know the output from sqldeveloper but I wonder what is the reason that i am not been able to connect to ORACLE from Toad ? Isn't there any online url like connecting ORACLE installed in VMWARE machine from Toad which is instaled at windows 7.
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It seems my reply above didn’t come through via email correctly. Sigh! Try again …
If you are able to connect to the database (on your VMWARE OEL 6.5 system) from your Windows 7 system, then you already have an OCI client installed and, more importantly, working. All you need now is for Toad to be able to find it.
You can, on the session -> New Session dialogue, click on the drop down list named “Connect Using” to see the list of Oracle Homes that Toad has found.
If there are none, then ask yourself the following question, did you install Toad 32 or 64 bit? And did the Oracle install have the same number of bits?
Toad requires to connect to the OCI supplied in the Oracle client that has the same number of bits. So 64 bit Toad cannot see or connect to a 32 bit OCI, and nor can a 32 bit Toad connect to a 64 bit client.
Assuming both “bits” are the same, is you Oracle client’s “bin” folder on %PATH%? Start a CMD session and check it by typing echo %PATH% into it. Look for the Oracle installed client’s “bin” folder on the output. If it’s not there, Control Panel -> System ->Advanced Tab and add the path to your own environment variables for PATH.
Stop and restart Toad to see if it gets picked up - check the drop down again. If so, you should now be able to connect, if not, something is horribly wrong!
I suspect your problem is because you don’t have the same number of bits in Toad as you do in your Oracle client install on Windows 7.
Norm. [TeamT]
Thanks Gregory Issue has been solved now. Thank You for the Guidance. This is how i solved:-
Dowloaded OCI from this url : http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database/features/instant-client/index-097480.html
Installation and Configuration for OCI followed through this url : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W2OF7_9D9cY&list=PL84eGeGIy8oyu-3OyvHj7-XwK7VsJdhTf
Once you Download ZIP file (For Example I downloaded 64 Bit), Extract/UNZIP the ZIP File, Type the location of UNZIP FOLDER inside VARIABLE VALUE
5. And Finally start TOAD
I installed TOAD for 64 bit. Its because I have x86_64 bit.
Even oracle is also x86 64 bit. I have already mentioned about it above.
No its not about BIT issue. Its about OCI not been installed like Gregory has mentioned above SQL Developer uses JDBC to connect and Toad uses OCI and therefore requires an OCI client installed. This is the main reason for not getting connected otherwise I would have faced other more issue related to BIT.
Sorry, I missed the bit where you said you had installed 64 bit versions of Toad and Oracle.
However, you did say that you were able to connect using SQL*Plus which uses OCI to connect. Therefore you must have had a viable OCI installed already that Toad could gave used.
However, it’s good to hear that you can now connect to your database. Have fun.
Norm [ TeamT ]