Hello community,
Is it possible to disable hint for right panel in the schema browser ? For the left panel it is the configurable option "Toad Options : Schema Browser-Left Hand Side-Item Hints" but for the right panel I cannot find it.
Hello community,
Is it possible to disable hint for right panel in the schema browser ? For the left panel it is the configurable option "Toad Options : Schema Browser-Left Hand Side-Item Hints" but for the right panel I cannot find it.
There is no separate option for that. It should probably follow the option for the left
From: Norz [mailto:bounce-Norz@toadworld.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2014 3:13 AM
Subject: [Toad for Oracle - Discussion Forum] Is it possible to disable hint for right panel in the schema browser ?
Is it possible to disable hint for right panel in the schema browser ?
Thread created by Norz
Hello community,
Is it possible to disable hint for right panel in the schema browser ? For the left panel it is the configurable option “Toad Options : Schema Browser-Left Hand Side-Item Hints” but for the
right panel I cannot find it.
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For some reason this option does not effect to the left panel
The problem is that when you have RDP connection and it is slow, these hints just make us crazy:)
You’re right, it doesn’t. I didn’t mean to say that it does. I meant to say that it should, as in “we should change it so that it does”.
From: Norz [mailto:bounce-Norz@toadworld.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2014 8:27 AM
Subject: RE: [Toad for Oracle - Discussion Forum] Is it possible to disable hint for right panel in the schema browser ?
RE: Is it possible to disable hint for right panel in the schema browser ?
Reply by Norz
For some reason this option does not effect to the left panel
The problem is that when you have RDP connection and it is slow, these hints just make us crazy:)
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