Is it possible to disable hint for right panel in the schema browser ?

Hello community,

Is it possible to disable hint for right panel in the schema browser ? For the left panel it is the configurable option "Toad Options : Schema Browser-Left Hand Side-Item Hints" but for the right panel I cannot find it.

There is no separate option for that. It should probably follow the option for the left

From: Norz []

Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2014 3:13 AM


Subject: [Toad for Oracle - Discussion Forum] Is it possible to disable hint for right panel in the schema browser ?

Is it possible to disable hint for right panel in the schema browser ?

Thread created by Norz

Hello community,

Is it possible to disable hint for right panel in the schema browser ? For the left panel it is the configurable option “Toad Options : Schema Browser-Left Hand Side-Item Hints” but for the
right panel I cannot find it.

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For some reason this option does not effect to the left panel :frowning:

The problem is that when you have RDP connection and it is slow, these hints just make us crazy:)

You’re right, it doesn’t. I didn’t mean to say that it does. I meant to say that it should, as in “we should change it so that it does”.

From: Norz []

Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2014 8:27 AM


Subject: RE: [Toad for Oracle - Discussion Forum] Is it possible to disable hint for right panel in the schema browser ?

RE: Is it possible to disable hint for right panel in the schema browser ?

Reply by Norz

For some reason this option does not effect to the left panel :frowning:

The problem is that when you have RDP connection and it is slow, these hints just make us crazy:)

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