not able to see the procedure in run window

Hi All,

I have a procedure without parameter in package ( spec defination - > PROCEDURE Update_info;) when i right click on this in brower window , it opens a set parameter window , that show me all the procedure/Function that has parameter except “Update_info” that do not have parameter.

Can any one please let me know how do i run this… from set parameter…

I can run this a anonyms block but wanted to know why toad is not showing this.



I can't reproduce. What version of Toad are you on?

when i right click on this in brower window

Do you mean you are right-clicking your package in the Schema Browser and choosing Execute Package?


Hi Michael,

Toad oracle Professional

yes When i right click on package procedure in the schema browser and choossing the execuate package… it opens the set parameter… and in the set parameter window i am seeing all procedure/function except the procedure that is without parameter.

Just wondring how do i run this in toad.



It works for me in 12.1. Do you have privileges on all_arguments or dba_arguments? Open the Schema Browser, select your package, and enable SQL spooling from the Database menu (Database|Spool SQL|Spool SQL to Screen). Now try to execute your package. Look at the spooled SQL in the Output window. I see 4 queries being executed in my test, the first being against all_arguments. Do you see any ORA errors in the spooled SQL output? If so, what is the error and for which query?


Hi Michael,

thanks for your time and help…

I took the spool sql and run for my package… it shows all the procedure with argument in my package but not the one that has no agrument.

So i need to request DBA to grant the privilage or is there something else is wrong


   object_name, position, decode(data_type, 'REF CURSOR', 'SYS_REFCURSOR', data_type) data_type, overload, argument_name,

   data_level, data_length, data_precision, data_scale, type_name,

   in_out, object_id, sequence

from all_arguments

where object_id = (select object_id

     from sys.user_objects

     where object_name ='COMM_RPT'


     and object_type in ('PACKAGE', 'PROCEDURE', 'FUNCTION'))

order by Object_Name, Overload, Sequence

If there was no ORA error in the spooled output then there's no priv you'd need.

On Jul 22, 2015, at 5:35 PM, sharvankumar wrote:

RE: not able to see the procedure in run window

Reply by sharvankumar
Hi Michael,

thanks for your time and help..

I took the spool sql and run for my package... it shows all the procedure with argument in my package but not the one that has no agrument.

So i need to request DBA to grant the privilage or is there something else is wrong


  object_name, position,

'SYS_REFCURSOR', data_type) data_type,
overload, argument_name,

  data_level, data_length, data_precision,

data_scale, type_name,

  in_out, object_id,


from all_arguments

where object_id =
(select object_id

    from sys.user_objects
    where object_name ='COMM_RPT'
    and object_type in


by Object_Name, Overload,

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This happens only in Oracle due to a change that Oracle made in ALL_ARGUMENTS. It is fixed in Toad 12.7.