Oracle 12c instant Client

I downloaded the instant client 12.1 installed to d:\instantclient_12_1. Changed path and added TNS_ADMIN. I went to DOS prompt and entered in SQLPLUS it worked but TOAD cannot find the oracle home. Thanks in advance for any help. BTW running Windows 8

BTW it is the 32 bit version

I have the same issue on a new installation of Toad (64-bit)on a new laptop - is the Instant Client installed as part of the Toad installation.? On the old laptop I have the 64 bit Instant Client installed. My message on the new laptop is no Oracle client found - it is 64-bit Toad for Oracle version.

Is the location of OCI.DLL in your system path? It needs to be.

No - no OCI.dll - isn't this part of the installation?

  • is the Instant Client installed as part of the Toad installation.?

Sorry, Just realized that I didn't answer this question. No, you need to install the Oracle client yourself.

OCI.DLL should be part of the Oracle client installation.

I don't think 13.0 works with Oracle 18.3 client.....get 12.2 or lower.

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