does TOAD support Oracle 8i ( ?
Yup. We support Oracle 8 – 11gR2 now. Had to drop support for 7.3.4 when
v10 came out.
As I’m sure you know – Oracle itself does not support 8i – nor
do tools like SQL Developer work with it J
Thank you. Just eliminating possible error/fault scenairos.
Just one word of caution… Oracle Client choice can make a big difference in
the level in which TOAD supports version 8. If you have a newer client you may
get some errors, or unsupported features. You won’t be able to use export/import
and other features.
Thank the computer gods that we just destroyed our last Oracle 8 database last
week. Now I only have to support 9,10, and 11 in various flavors.
David A. Hicken
UtahToad at gmail dot com
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There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.
– Albert Einstein.
Jeff Smith wrote:
Yup. We support Oracle 8 – 11gR2 now. Had to drop support for 7.3.4
when v10 came out.
OK so it does support Oracle 8i…
Does it still support Oracle 8.0?
I have an old oracle 8.0 database server that i need to connect to, retrieve data from and possibly write a few lines of code to do some data analysis of past business transactions. I’ve used Toad for Oracle before and liked it, hence the natural want for using something I’m familiar with.
Toad 10.x supports back to Oracle 8.0.
Toad 9.7 and prior supports back to Oracle 7.
But do be careful about what client versions you use to access which database
If an 8.0 or before, I think you need
say no support for that version
And for newer oracle you’ll want newer versions of client or you may not
get feature and new data type support
SO – keep multiple oracle homes when working with a wide range of oracle
versions J
Thanks… Then i shall look into the possibility of using it =)
Just started downloading the trial version