I want to replace a string in a script with another script using variables and “find/replace” and run this modified script…
Everything seems to work fine but TDA don’t save the new file in the right format !
When i open the modified script file (.tas) with notepad++, encoding is not unicode !
here is the message :
There is no Unicode byte order mark. Cannot switch to Unicode.
Help me please !
ToadSupportBundleToad for Data Analysts.txt (36.7 KB)
I’ve already responded you in the email but thought I’ll answer here as well just because someone else might be having the same problem.
This problem emerges in a very specific (okay, it might be not so specific for you) situation when Find&Replace activity is being used on tas files meaning you use Find&Replace to alter some Automation script. Tas file is utf-16 encoded but doesn’t have BOM which forces .NET StremReader that we use internally to use utf-8 by default. This, in turn, is a problem for the workflow deserializer that sees utf-16 in the tas file header and tries to use it to deserialize utf-8 text.